When is the right time to buy Macbook Pro?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I am planning to purchase Macbook pro, but reading tons of news about some upcoming Apple announcements.. Is it right time to purchase or i should wait for the announcement? I dont know when its gonna be or is it just rumors??

Suggestions, Mac experts.. I never owned a Mac, my first time..


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    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    It really depends on whether you need it or not. If this is your first Mac, you probably don't want to go to the highest end model the very first time.

    It appears as of now that everything except the MBP is receiving a refresh in time for the holiday season. The MBP will probably see an update sometime next year.

    If you can... give a range of what you are willing to spend and what you need it for.

    Off the bat you could go with the low end 13" MBP at $1,199.00 or the low end 15" at $1,699.00.
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