iPad2 not compatible with K39294US Kensington bluetooth Keyboard?

in iPad edited January 2014
Hello friends,

My brother just got the iPad2 Wifi 32GB, and I would like to get a gift for his birthday. I am looking at the Kensington keyboard (model K39294US) for iPad. On Kensington's website, it says that this keyboard will work with the original iPad only.

I thought that bluetooth was bluetooth, and that a the various bluetooth profiles were universal across all devices. Is there any reason why this keyboard would not work with the iPad 2?

Does anyone own this keyboard that can try it out on a iPad 2?




  • Reply 1 of 3
    Originally Posted by jayton View Post

    Hello friends,

    My brother just got the iPad2 Wifi 32GB, and I would like to get a gift for his birthday. I am looking at the Kensington keyboard (model K39294US) for iPad. On Kensington's website, it says that this keyboard will work with the original iPad only.

    I thought that bluetooth was bluetooth, and that a the various bluetooth profiles were universal across all devices. Is there any reason why this keyboard would not work with the iPad 2?

    Does anyone own this keyboard that can try it out on a iPad 2?



    Just curious, what is the price of the Kensington keyboard? If it is in the range of $70, that is the price of the Apple keyboard and it is guaranteed to work. Why bother with Kensington?.. I have a usb wireless keyboard mouse combo by Kensignton. Worst piece of junk I ever bought.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Originally Posted by madhatter61 View Post

    Just curious, what is the price of the Kensington keyboard? If it is in the range of $70, that is the price of the Apple keyboard and it is guaranteed to work. Why bother with Kensington?.. I have a usb wireless keyboard mouse combo by Kensignton. Worst piece of junk I ever bought.

    I am looking at the Kensington because that is the one sold at the place where I work, and I can get a discount on it. The place I work at does not have the Apple one.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    jaytonjayton Posts: 3member
    Still no one has tried this out with iPad2?
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