Job's stock holdings now.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
It just occurred to me:

Hypothetical ~~~

Job's Apple stock holdings were probably willed to his family; if they have no other income, they may start selling off some of the Apple stock.

How would that affect the remaining Apple stock?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    It just occurred to me:

    Hypothetical ~~~

    Job's Apple stock holdings were probably willed to his family; if they have no other income, they may start selling off some of the Apple stock.

    How would that affect the remaining Apple stock?

    Hypothetically: that would depend on the amount and the timing of that stock reaching the market. As with any stock.

    But, again hypothetically, selling off say 100 million's worth ? which would keep the lights burning in the family home, we may assume ? subtly sold in small blocks over 6 months, wouldn't make a noticeable dent in AAPL's stock value. It's not new stock that reaches the market, which would dilute stock value. In your hypothetical case it's just existing stock changing hands. Plunking it all at once on the market would be a surefire way to make the market hiccup at the least. Anybody with sense selling big chunks of stock would want to avoid stock value falling, wouldn't they? So they do it gradually, in small blocks.

    And if they want to double the value, they'll offer it to Sony or Samsung...
  • Reply 2 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,338moderator
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Job's Apple stock holdings were probably willed to his family; if they have no other income, they may start selling off some of the Apple stock.

    They have income from other sources. Steve Jobs was a multi-millionaire when he left Apple and sold almost all his stock. He was given stock on returning to Apple on top. Plus he made most of his wealth from Pixar. The Disney stock is worth way more than Apple's.

    His wife seems to be quite liberal-minded and I don't think she would be one to try and hoard vast amounts of cash just for the sake of it. She may cash out some of the $4.4billion+ Disney stock to use for good causes but I don't think there's any rush to do so.

    For direct access wealth, they will have in excess of $300million, which is plenty of money even if you have rich tastes. She has worked for Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs so she probably has a good idea on the best route to take.

    She wouldn't actually have to take any stock from Apple at all as there's more wealth elsewhere than any individual would know what to do with. The best way to use it would probably be in establishing companies with values and goals that align with her own but some people just like to live a relaxed, simple life after raising kids and working so it may just remain as a bunch of digital bits in a computer somewhere.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post there's more wealth elsewhere than any individual would know what to do with.

    See... that's just not true.

    There are many of us out here who would have no trouble at all spending that kind of wealth... and quickly!

    (Spending being only one of the things you could "do" with the money.)

  • Reply 4 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,338moderator
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    There are many of us out here who would have no trouble at all spending that kind of wealth... and quickly!

    But even if you spend the next 50 years flying around in a $10k/hour private jet being catered for by 3 x $1000/hour escorts (one per erogenous zone), you'd only just start to run out of the total $6-7b. I guess the airline snacks might push it over the edge but it's a lot of money to spend.
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