Illegal Instruction Error on Startup

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

This is my first post; hopefully someone can help me.

I have a G3 with Mac OS 9...when I boot up, I get an error "Illegal Instruction" and I have to restart. The only way to boot up is to use the Mac OS 9 CD or use extensions off.

By toggling the extensions, I narrowed it down to Shared Library Manager and Shared Library Manager PPC as the cause of the problem. When I turn them off, I boot fine. But no programs work without them on (they give errors about not being able to access certain lib files). However, after I reinstalled new copies of Shared Library Manager and Shared Library Manager PPC from my system CD, I still crash on startup.

Can anyone help me? I zapped my PRAM and updated disk there any way to solve this without reinstalling Mac OS?



  • Reply 1 of 1
    I had the same sort of problem a few weeks ago, only the problem was a freeze and the extension crashing was Open Transport. I replaced it and it still didn't work. It turned out that the problem was in its preference file. Unfortunately in my case, the whole preferences folder was corrupted -- opening the folder caused my computer to freeze, so I formatted the hard disk and reinstalled.

    Generalising from that, maybe you'd get somewhere by moving ASLM Preferences out of the Preferences folder (or deleting it)? That's just something stupid that I'd do... make sure you have all your stuff backed up if you try it.
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