Seriously - oh that's right, you guys were still pooping in your pants when...

in iPad edited January 2014

Apple F---d their resellers in the late 90s... when Steve Jobs came back...


All the mom and pop computer shops and chains that STUCK with the Mac - even as marketshare was dying... When other computing companies like PowerComputing where making licensed Apple Clones... these were the true Apple loyalists who sold Apple products since the 80s...


And Apple and Steve Jobs bent them all over and shut them down.

I remember some of those shop guys in tears because APPLE WAS their livelihood.


You can't talk about MSFT screwing their partners and take the Apple high road boys.

Because ALSO remember, the $150 million loans to Apple / Steve Jobs in the 90s that helped Apple come back... was from Microsoft.



And a small word about the Microsoft Surface - guess what iPad wishers... the doors to big companies, education, IT, and government are closing... what the iPad can not do for Enterprise level demands, the Surface... will.


Or did you guys miss that?


( Love Apple products - but hate the people who use them )










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