How do I back up Mac/Windows documents in the shared PSF area set up by Parallels 9?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Just got a new MBPR, installed Windows 7 in BootCamp, then after installing Parallels 9 in the Mac I set up and activated Windows 7 through Parallels.
I have now copied my data - excel and word and other documents - from my Windows laptop to the PSF area set up by Parallels 9 so that I can have access from either Mac or Windows 7 VM and write to/overwrite files in that PSF area.
How do I now go about backing up the documents in PSF? Can I use Time Machine for that? I already have Acronis 2012 from my Windows 7 laptop.
Apologies if this question has been asked - and answered - elsewhere.
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