Backup dialup search.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I have DSL, but I am looking for a new dialup account I can use when I'm on the road with the PB and when DSL is flaky.

I'd like to pay very little (ideally $10 or less a month) but have national dialup numbers with decent coverage for all major cities and most places I might be. I don't need a POP account, though that would be a plus. I can accept some time limitations (say 25 hours a month) as it won't often be used, especially if this made it cheaper.

It needs to be very reliable, as it has to be there when Airport and DSL won't help. Do people have any suggestions?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Have you checked with your DSL provider to see if they offer some free dial-up hours?

    Earthlink DSL gives you 20 free hours of dial-up per month. And you can use it while someone is online with your DSL - they're seperate accounts, and the dial-up is free until you go over the 20.

    I hate to plug Earthlink when I logged on here today specifically to pitch a bitch about their service, but maybe your provider has something for you.

    As for my problem with Earthlink, sometimes they spend an absurd amount of time "looking for" each site I visit. I'm going to start a thread on it after I talk to their tech support again.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    Hmmm. Strangely, I hadn't considered Verizon DSL account has no built-in dialup at my service level, but this could be the incentive to pay more and get dialup along with it...that's one choice. I need to find their info pages and check to see if that makes sense.
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