...so I got to thinking about apple

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I had a long class and got bored, so I started to think about apple and computers in general. Lately other people have been discussing the fact that one day (in the near distant future :confused: ), computer speeds won't matter anymore; they will no longer be the draw in for buying a new computer. This is right on, but then what's left?


And what are we seeing right now from apple? Some of the most intuitive, user friendly software (not to mention its all integrated) on an incredibly stable and constantly improving OS (which is a thing of beauty IMO). So what if we don't have the speed yet, we'll get there one day, and when we do.... :eek: .

I think apple has a pretty good future ahead of itself. Whether it's profitable or not is anybodys guess, but I'll enjoy the ride.

However, do you think Apple was always headed in this direction, or do you think it was brought about by Moto's failure to provide faster processors? Either way, my bet is it pays off.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Yea Apple's ready for 2020. Let's hope they make it that far.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    You do have a good point, but I think that history has shown that as capactiy expands, so does demand. I think computing will elevate to a new level and we will demand incredible things from computers. This will certainly require good software, but don't think that the Hardware is gonna 'ceiling' so quick.

    Some examples, direct neural interfaces, true VR, 'real' speech recognition, Artifical Intelligence (assistants), robotic interaction,and tons of things we haven't even dreamed of yet. (not to mention getting smaller in size and cheaper)

    The hardware makers aren't out of the woods yet so to speak.
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