Automount OS X Shares with OS X clients:

in macOS edited January 2014

I have an OS X 10.2.4 AFP server with 3 public share points. I have a test LAN client running OS X 10.2.4. The client has a valid user account for the server. Note: I don't want my users to use Enterprise-level Directory Services and "Homes" folders on the server. My LAN is small and simple, with 50 OS 9 users, a couple PCs, and soon I will have 50 OS X users. OK...


1) When I put the server's public shares in my client's "Log-In Items", I am asked to log in *everytime* I boot, regardless of if I use the Keychain or not. I thought that if I used the Keychain, it would authenticate and log-in for me in the background, and "pop" the share points on my desktop for me.

2) When I boot the OS X client(s) and log-in to the OS X Server (public) shares, the share points eventually mount (which I want), BUT the shares open up in the Finder. I want them to mount, but NOT open up on me (like OS 9) Can I do this? Imagine 10 sharepoints every morning opening up on your screen! I know that Apple+Opt+W closes them all windows once, but it's still really annoying! Grrr.


I want to automount servers using the log-in Items pref pane. Unless there is a better way?

I want to authenticate/log-in to the Server automatically with Keychain services (or whatever it takes to log-in automatically)

I don't want the share points to open up on me in the finder. Mount but stay closed like OS 9 clients.
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