HELP ME!! iBook Help...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hey Guys,

One of my good friends from my record label gave me his Ibook because he just got a new powerbook. I said, "Great send it over!" Well, it arrived today and I powered it on and he had set and admin password on it and forgot to tell me and he just left for Puerto Rico for a while to visit reletives. I have the discs for OSX and that's what I wanted to upgrade too but when I power it on and hold the 'c' key to boot from the cd rom it comes to an all grey screen and with "the apple" on it. And about 3 minutes later or so, it'll come to a screen that says," restart your computer..." or something of the sorts. am i doing something wrong? It has OS 9.2.2 on it now. PLEASE I KNOW SOMEONE CAN HELP ME GET OSX ON MY IBOOK!! thanks and take care guys!

please email if you have a solution... [email protected]
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