Computer is still @$~*%& after Disk Warrior...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Taking the advice of those here I got a copy of Disk Warrior 3.0 and let it run on my G4 thinking it would fix things. I kept it running a few days and ignored it and to my delight this morning when I checked, Disk Warrior had finished repairing my HD, so I restarted. The Mac OS X startup screen came up and seemed to boot everything up fine.....but still the same all blue screen remained.

So what the heck do I do now? I've wasted a week for nothing.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member

    Originally posted by Verbal Assassin

    .....but still the same all blue screen remained.

    Stuck on a blue screen? If I'd have seen that other thread earlier, this would have been my first question: you haven't by chance tried installing any themes or other interface "modifications" on your system, have you?

    Since the drive has been successfully repaired, your best chance would really be to do an "archive and install" option with Jaguar since that would preserve all your files... but I guess you can't do that since you don't have the CDs. Tsk.

    From the posts in the other thread, it seems you pirated pretty much everything from your documents to your operating system. It sounds to me like this is just the law of karma taking effect.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    I would try starting up in command line again and rename the prefs, like you tried before, but you were'nt able to mount your HD.

    It sounds like DW did fix a lot of your problems if you can mount the HD now. Just give this a shot before you give up:
    • start up in single user mode with Command-S

    • type: mount -uw /

    • then hit return

    • type: mv /var/db/SystemConfiguration/preferences.xml preferences.old

    • then hit return

    • type: mv /Library/Preferences/ preferences2.old

    • then hit return

    • type: mv /Library/Preferences/ preferences3.old

    • then hit return

    • type: reboot

    • then hit return

  • Reply 3 of 10
    Well yes I did have a theme running...I am sure I can get a 10.2 disc, thing is my internet connection here is too bad and slow to get it updated to 10.2.6 and such. Sooo...Im gonna type those commands out one more time and see if it works (I did that before I did any disk utility stuff) ...short of that I am gonna have to get it professionally diagnosed or somethin.

    One thing to note, when I tried starting up after the disk repair was successful, it did give me the Mac OS X startup screen which wasnt the case before, and loaded up all the preferences....but then went back to that same blue screen. Before, it went directly from the grey screen with the apple to the blue screen.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    One other thing to note is that I still cant open the cd drive with the F12 command. Of course there is no way to manually open the drives on the QS G4 towers. I figure that is one reason for the problem as well...
  • Reply 5 of 10
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    uh not to steal any thunder from verbal but FW drive of mine recently failed, and still spins but doesn't seem to recognize in the there any way to reset it or reformat if the computer isnt recognizing it?

    (very vague i know, the only thing i've noticed is diff is that when you plug it in it doesn't make the normal clicking sound that it normally did)
  • Reply 6 of 10
    Ok....when I try to type those commands out it just tells me No such file has been found in directory or whatever...please help...
  • Reply 7 of 10
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member

    Originally posted by Verbal Assassin

    Well yes I did have a theme running


    See any of my thousand posts about what can go wrong when installing themes. The blue screen at startup is practically a textbook case of a borked HIToolbox framework.

    Seriously, the only way to recover from a bad theme install is to reinstall if you don't have a "clean" copy of Mac OS X on another partition.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    Ok...guess I have to wait until tomorrow to reinstall since I dont have the disc here ...thanks Brad. F*ckin theme lol
  • Reply 9 of 10
    I just did "archive and install" from the Jaguar disc.....same ****ing thing happens....just loads up faster to an all blue screen....

    Did a disk repair again with Disk Utility from the CD....repaired it but said "invalid node" something....

    Tired of this....thanks the **** a lot.....
  • Reply 10 of 10

    Originally posted by Verbal Assassin

    Of course there is no way to manually open the drives on the QS G4 towers. I figure that is one reason for the problem as well...

    hold down the mouse button on boot, it'll open and drives/eject any disks/cds.
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