help!! urgent monitor spanning problem in 10.3.2

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
i'm running 10.3.2 and have just connected my PB to my old vga monitor for the first time since the christmas break. over christmas i had upgraded to 10.3.2 from 10.3 and now my pb won't remember the monitor.

when i connect the monitor it make the vga as the default, when i want the lcd as the default.

the monitor is an ancient apple 20" display with only one resolution. when i uncheck 'mirror display' it won't remember the resolution and it goes black. and of course i can't change it.

it was working fine before .2 upgrade



  • Reply 1 of 1
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    sorry ignore this thread. sorted it out...

    by putting system prefs window slightly off the screen when mirrored. then when switched to spanning i could just grab the edge of the tool bar and then use it.

    simple really...
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