Looking to Purchase a Laptop, Any Suggestions? (IT student, new to Mac)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I am totally in the dark when it comes to Apple computers. I've used a few of them in school but never really learned anything about them (or owned one for that matter). My problem is next year I'm attending a college that requires certain computer specifications and I'll be taking classes that require certain software. As of right now, it would be impossible for me to install the hardware based on my current OS (Debian Woody 3.0)... it's just not compatable with Linux. There is no way in hell I want another PC with Windoze.

Thank God the software packages and what the school recommends specification-wise for computers are for both Mac and MS. I've been looking at the ibook and PowerBook laptops and since I know nothing about Apple computers it's impossible for me to determine what I need.

I'll be studing and working with Information Technologies. I'll need a notebook that can handle programming in C, C++, Cobal, Java, php, other internet languages, etc.; and of course, other school work. Can anyone help me out here? What would be a good laptop to purchase?

Edit: Also, I'm coming from working with Linux and Windows. Is there anything I need to watch out for when owning a Mac compared to these other OS's?


  • Reply 1 of 12
    Let me be the first to officially say:

    Welcome to AppleInsider, Gecks.

    Here's a start for you: http://www.apple.com/education/hed/compsci/

    Be sure to skim all the way through the PDF links in the bottom right of the page. A couple of key words from it: GCC 3.3; C; C++; Objective-C; Objective-C++; Java; Fortan; Lisp; "Implementations of Microsoft?s C# are also available"; AppleScript; Ruby; Python; PHP; Tomcat/JSP; Axis; mySQL; C99-compliant libm; Vectorized digital signal processing (vDSP); BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) Levels I,II,and III; LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package); vMathLib; vBigNum; CHUD...

    There are lots of tools and languages at your disposal. A free Developers CD comes with the OS that includes Xcode and many other development tools. Updates and future versions of the dev tools are downloadable from Apple.com... also for free.

    Xcode: the ultimate toolbox.

    Add to that all the third-party goodies you can install...

    Add to that the native X11 libraries and X-Windows system...

    Add to that all the awesome tools that come with using a system built on UNIX (FreeBSD)...

    I think you see where I'm going.

    Hopefully Kickaha can chime in here with his experiences. Half of UNC's computer science department (where Kickaha is a student) staff has switched to using PowerBooks and they love it.

    There was a thread some time ago about getting iBooks for computer science students. You might also find helpful some of the comments there:

    ibooks for computer science switchers!

    Right now, both the iBooks and PowerBooks are pretty good. They both use the G4 processor. Reasons for choosing the PowerBook over an iBook? More CPU power, higher-res displays, DVD-burner. Reason for choosing the iBook over the PowerBook? It's significantly cheaper.

    Welcome to the forums and please feel free to post any other questions, thoughts, or comments. Cheers!
  • Reply 2 of 12
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    basically your main concern should be cost....

    I think your best bet would be to get a cheap iBook bottom of the line and save your money for a nice G5 when you realize how much macs rock!

    I am an IT student as well and (one of) my roommates is a CS student...

    I use macs exclusively and he does everything on his iBook... he has a PC tower just to play a few (shitty) games and to have a screen name on all the time...

    it works very well...

    there should be no software concerns that you should have... there is always a solution.....

    except for microsoft access... but you can use the lab computers for that...

    what school are you going to?
  • Reply 3 of 12
    gecksgecks Posts: 11member
    Thanks for the welcome Brad... and Paul.

    I've been really eyeing the ibook lately, mainly because of the price and the fact that I don't need as much power as the PowerBook offers. I skimmed over the pdf file in Brad's first link and I'm really liking the included compiliers and development libraries that come with OS X. Also the fact of no-registry (can I get an 'amen'?). I enjoyed Linux but, as anyone can tell you, it can be a pain to install anything and get the damn thing to work on different systems.

    Paul: I'm going to Florida State University, starting a 'pre-freshman' year you could say, this summer.

    Another quick question. I know this is probably a given but since OS X is based on UNIX, does the Terminal function the same in Panther as it does in, say, gnu/Linux?
  • Reply 4 of 12
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    yes and no...

    but it IS unix...

    i'll leave that to a resident CLI expert around here...
  • Reply 5 of 12

    Originally posted by Gecks

    I know this is probably a given but since OS X is based on UNIX, does the Terminal function the same in Panther as it does in, say, gnu/Linux?

    For the most part, yes.

    You have your choice of several different shells. The default in Panther is bash. In older versions of Mac OS X, the default was tcsh. It was changed, I suspect, due to popular demand. Mac OS X also includes zsh and csh, Mac OS X also comes with all the typical shell commands like less, more, pico, vi, emacs, etc. as well as a number of Mac OS X-specific command-line tools like "screencapture" and "say", the former of which takes a picture of your screen and the latter makes the computer speak the arguments you give it.

    Here is the "ls" on my /bin and /sbin directories respectively, for example. This is from a (nearly) clean install of Mac OS X and the developer tools. I say nearly because I don't think I've put anything in either of these directories...


    [ dd kill pwd sync

    bash df ln rcp tcsh

    cat domainname ls rm test

    chmod echo mkdir rmdir zsh

    cp ed mv sh zsh-4.1.1

    csh expr pax sleep

    date hostname ps stty


    SystemStarter md5 newfs_msdos

    autodiskmount mknod nfsd

    badsect mount nfsiod

    clri mount_afp nologin

    dmesg mount_cd9660 ping

    dump mount_cddafs ping6

    dumpfs mount_devfs quotacheck

    dynamic_pager mount_fdesc rdump

    fsck mount_ftp reboot

    fsck_hfs mount_hfs restore

    fsck_msdos mount_msdos route

    halt mount_nfs routed

    ifconfig mount_ntfs rrestore

    init mount_smbfs rtsol

    ip6fw mount_synthfs service

    ipfw mount_udf shutdown

    kerberosautoconfig mount_volfs slattach

    kextload mount_webdav tunefs

    kextunload newfs umount

    mach_init newfs_hfs

    And /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, respectively:


    groups printf

    CFInfoPlistConverter gunzip procmail

    a2p gzcat profiles

    aclocal gzexe projectInfo

    aclocal-1.6 gzip psed

    addftinfo h2ph pstopdf

    afmtodit h2xs pstruct

    appleping hdid pwpolicy

    appletviewer hdiutil pydoc

    apply head python

    apropos headerdoc2html python2.3

    ar heap pythonw

    arch hexdump pythonw2.3

    as host quota

    asa hostinfo ranlib

    at hpftodit rcs

    at_cho_prn htdigest rcs-checkin

    atlookup htpasswd rcs2log

    atos iconv rcsclean

    atprint id rcsdiff

    atq ident rcsmerge

    atrm idlj redo_prebinding

    atstatus ifnames refer

    autoconf indent renice

    autoheader indxbib reset

    autom4te info rev

    automake infocmp rlog

    automake-1.6 infokey rlogin

    autoreconf infotocap rmic

    autoscan install rmid

    autoupdate install-info rmiregistry

    awk install_name_tool rpcclient

    b2m iodbc-config rpcgen

    banner ipf-mod.pl rs

    basename irb rsh

    bashbug isc-config.sh rsync

    batch jar ruby

    bc jarsigner ruptime

    biff java rview

    bison javac rvim

    bridget javaconfig rwho

    bsdmake javadoc s2p

    bunzip2 javah sample

    bzcat javap sar

    bzcmp javatool say

    bzdiff jdb sc_usage

    bzegrep jikes scp

    bzfgrep join screen

    bzgrep jot script

    bzip2 kdestroy sdiff

    bzip2recover kdump security

    bzless keytool sed

    bzmore killall segedit

    c++ kinit serialver

    c++-3.3 klist servertool

    c++3 kpasswd setregion

    c++filt kswitch sftp

    c++filt3 ktrace shar

    c2ph kvno shlock

    c_rehash lam showmount

    cal last sips

    calendar lastcomm size

    cancel latency sliceprint

    cap_mkdb ld slogin

    captoinfo ldapadd smbcacls

    cc ldapcompare smbclient

    certtool ldapdelete smbcontrol

    checkgid ldapmodify smbcquotas

    checknr ldapmodrdn smbpasswd

    chflags ldappasswd smbspool

    chfn ldapsearch smbstatus

    chgrp ldapwhoami smbtar

    chpass leaks smbtree

    chsh leave smbutil

    ci less snmpbulkget

    cksum lessecho snmpbulkwalk

    clear lesskey snmpcheck

    cmp lex snmpconf

    cmpdylib lex++ snmpdelta

    co libnetcfg snmpdf

    col libtool snmpget

    colcrt lipo snmpgetnext

    colldef lkbib snmpinform

    colrm locate snmpnetstat

    column lock snmpset

    comm lockfile snmpstatus

    compileHelp logger snmptable

    compress login snmptest

    config logname snmptranslate

    cpan look snmptrap

    cpio lookbib snmpusm

    cpp lorder snmpvacm

    cpp-3.3 lp snmpwalk

    cpp3 lpoptions soelim

    crlrefresh lppasswd sort

    crontab lpq splain

    cscope lpr split

    ctags lprm srm

    cups-config lpstat ssh

    cupstestppd lsbom ssh-add

    curl lsvfs ssh-agent

    curl-config m4 ssh-keygen

    cut mDNS ssh-keyscan

    cvs machine states

    cvs-diff-branch mail strings

    cvs-make-branch mailq strip

    cvs-merge-branch mailstat su

    cvs-revert make subtitle2pgm

    cvs-view-diffs makeinfo sudo

    cvsbug malloc_history sum

    dbmmanage man sw_vers

    dc manpath tack

    defaults md tail

    diff mencoder talk

    diff3 merge tar

    diffpp mesg tbl

    diffstat mib2c tcextract

    dig mig tclsh

    dirname mkafmmap tclsh8.4

    disable mkbom tcopy

    distcc mkdep tdbbackup

    distccd mkfifo tdbtool

    distccschedd mklocale tee

    ditto mktemp telnet

    dprofpp mmroff testparm

    drutil more testprns

    dscl mp2enc texi2dvi

    dsperfmonitor mpeg2enc texi2html

    du mplayer texindex

    eaytest msgs tfmtodit

    ebrowse native2ascii tftp

    efax nbdst tic

    efix nc tiff2icns

    egrep neqn tiffutil

    emacs net time

    emacs-21.2.1 net-snmp-config tkmib

    emacs-undumped newaliases tnameserv

    emacsclient nfsstat toe

    enable nibtool top

    enc2xs nice tops

    encode_keychange nicl touch

    enscript nidump tput

    env nifind tr

    eqn nigrep traptoemail

    eqn2graph niload troff

    error nireport true

    etags niutil tset

    ex nm tsort

    expand nmblookup tty

    expect nmedit ul

    extcheck nohup uname

    false nroff uncompress

    fax nslookup unexpand

    fetchmail nsupdate unifdef

    fgrep ntlm_auth uniq

    file ntp-wait units

    find ntpq unvis

    find2perl ocs unzip

    findsmb od update_prebinding

    finger odbctest uptime

    fixPrecomps open users

    fixproc open-x11 uudecode

    flex opendiff uuencode

    flex++ openssl uuidgen

    fmt orbd vcdxbuild

    fold osacompile vcdxgen

    formail osalang vers_string

    fpr osascript vgrind

    from otool vi

    fs_usage over view

    fsplit pagesize vim

    fstat pagestuff vimdiff

    ftp passwd vimtutor

    g++ paste vis

    g++-3.3 patch vm_stat

    g++3 pawd vmmap

    gatherheaderdoc pbcopy w

    gcc pbpaste wall

    gcc-3.3 pcsctest wbinfo

    gcc3 pcsctool wc

    gcov pdbedit what

    gcov-3.3 pdump whatis

    gcov3 pear whereis

    gdb perl which

    gencat perl5.8.1 who

    genstrings perlbug whoami

    getopt perlcc whois

    glibtool perldoc write

    glibtoolize perlivp xargs

    gm4 pfbtops xcodebuild

    gnuattach php xcodeindex

    gnuclient php-config xml2-config

    gnudoit phpextdist xmlcatalog

    gnumake phpize xmllint

    gnuserv pic xsubpp

    gnutar pic2graph xxd

    gocr pico yacc

    gocrfilter_en.sed piconv yes

    gocrfilter_fr.sed pl ypcat

    gocrfilter_nl.sed pl2pm ypmatch

    gocrfilter_none.sed plutil ypwhich

    gperf pmset yuvdenoise

    gprof pod2html yuvscaler

    grep pod2latex zcat

    grep-changelog pod2man zcmp

    grn pod2text zdiff

    grodvi pod2usage zforce

    groff podchecker zgrep

    groffer podselect zip

    grog policytool zmore

    grolbp post-grohtml znew

    grolj4 pr zprint

    grops pre-grohtml

    grotty printenv


    AppleFileServer kextcache quotaoff

    BootCacheControl kextstat quotaon

    DirectoryService kgmon racoon

    KernelEventAgent kprop rarpd

    ab kpropd reject

    ac krb524d repquota

    accept krb5kdc revnetgroup

    accton ktutil rmt

    amd languagesetup rndc

    amq logresolve rndc-confgen

    apachectl lookupd rotatelogs

    appletalk lpadmin rpc.lockd

    apxs lpc rpc.statd

    ardbgd lpinfo rpcinfo

    arp lpmove rtadvd

    asr lsof rtsold

    auditreduce lwresd rwhod

    autobind mDNSResponder screencapture

    automount makedbm scselect

    bless mk-amd-map scutil

    blued mkextunpack sendmail

    bootparamd mkfile setkey

    bpwhoami mkslapdconf slapadd

    cac_addid mountd slapcat

    cac_anchors mtree slapindex

    cac_cron named slappasswd

    cac_setup named-checkconf slp_reg

    catman named-checkzone slpd

    chown natd smbd

    chroot ndp snmpd

    configd netinfod snmptrapd

    createhomedir netstat softwareupdate

    cron nibindd spray

    cupsaddsmb nidomain sshd

    cupsd nmbd stdethers

    dev_mkdb notifyd stdhosts

    diskarbitrationd ntp-genkeys swat

    disktool ntpd sysctl

    diskutil ntpdate syslogd

    distnoted ntpdc system_profiler

    dnssec-keygen ntptimeset systemkeychain

    dnssec-makekeyset ntptrace tcpdchk

    dnssec-signkey nvram tcpdmatch

    dnssec-signzone pcscd tcpdump

    dsconfigad pdisk tim

    dsenableroot periodic timed

    edquota pmap_dump timedc

    fdisk pmap_set timutil

    fixmount portmap traceroute

    fsinfo postalias traceroute6

    gcc_select postcat trpt

    hdik postconf update

    hlfsd postdrop vipw

    httpd postfix visudo

    inetd postfix-watch vpnd

    inituser postkick vsdbutil

    installer postlock winbindd

    ioalloccount postlog wire-test

    ioclasscount postmap xinetd

    ioreg postqueue ypbind

    iostat postsuper ypinit.sh

    ip6 pppd yppoll

    ip6config praudit yppush

    ipconfig pstat ypset

    kadmin pwd_mkdb ypxfr

    kadmin.local qmasterd zdump

    kadmind qmasterqd zic

    kdb5_util quot

    On a somewhat related note, lots of good services like ssh, ftp, samba, and apache are also included for you.
  • Reply 6 of 12
    gecksgecks Posts: 11member
    Mac has vim and emacs included? :-o

    Thanks for the somewhat exaustive list of your directory. I'm already feeling somewhat at home, haha.

    I mainly use bash in Linux, so that's good it's the default in Panther.

    Another question, sorry for so many . Is there a root? If there is, when configurations are being changed does it simply ask you for the root password, or must you logout and log back in with a root account?
  • Reply 7 of 12
    Yes, there is a root user in Mac OS X. However, it is strongly advised that you never use it. I'm a Mac OS X veteran of three years, since it was in the beta development stages. I haven't enabled the root user in well over a year.

    Mac OS X has a minor addition to the typical *nix permissions system. Apple added what is called an "administrator" group that is half root user, half regular user. The admin group has the ability to sudo a command or su to root, but the actual abilities of the root user are disabled by default. This makes it so applications cannot inadvertently run as root through your user, protects important system files from accidental contamination, etc.

    The actual root user is disabled by default in Mac OS X. You have to use an administrator account to enable the root user and give it a password before you can use it. You can, however, sudo anything at any time as an admin user without enabling the root user. Using sudo is preferred by all means over enabling and using the root user.

    Sudoing or suing to root via the command line is one thing. That's okay because most users that know how to handle a command line also know the risks of using the root user. Using the root user to login to the GUI, though, is a big no-no. The Finder (the Mac file browser/desktop process) and other apps make changes to hidden files for your user when you use them in the GUI. If you ever use root in the GUI and use these apps, they can modify those hidden files, possibly locking them even, and thereby cause seemingly inexplicable problems later on when you switch to another user.

    This used to be a major problem with Mac OS X when it was new and switchers didn't know not to use root. Now, though, it's not as big a deal because there are helpful folks such as myself that are careful to outline the dangers of such things.
  • Reply 8 of 12

    Originally posted by Gecks

    Another question, sorry for so many . Is there a root? If there is, when configurations are being changed does it simply ask you for the root password, or must you logout and log back in with a root account?

    Whoops, in my tirade against using root, I forgot to answer the rest of this.

    And, no, it's no trouble. It's my pleasure to help new users make the transition.

    To change major system settings such as user accounts, energy saver settings, etc. you have to be an admin user or you must authenticate via a dialog as an admin user. The System Preferences are divided up into sections on a per-user basis and a system-wide basis. Admin users can also set accounts so that users cannot even get access to the advanced system-wide controls.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    gecksgecks Posts: 11member
    Thanks alot for the information, Brad. I know the dangers of root all too well and hated using root as a 'regular' user in Linux (which was required many times).

    I'm still looking over Mac, particularly the ibook series, and am still deciding on if I should purchase one. I'm about 90% sure that I will. I don't think I'll have too much trouble converting given my past Unix experiences and seeing how Apple integrates many of the same features.

    This thread has been really helpful and informative. Thanks again.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Gecks

    Thanks for the welcome Brad... and Paul.

    I've been really eyeing the ibook lately, mainly because of the price and the fact that I don't need as much power as the PowerBook offers. I skimmed over the pdf file in Brad's first link and I'm really liking the included compiliers and development libraries that come with OS X. Also the fact of no-registry (can I get an 'amen'?).


    i am in HS (a senior) and am stuck in a bit of a windows quagmire till june when i dont need to do everything in visual studio 6

    i totaly agree mac is way more dev., I.T.(and everything else) friendly and the reg, that thing's a nightmere thhats why windows crashes and needs a reinstall (at least here) every 4 months

    and the compilers, i had never even heard of some of those compilers and it is INCLUDED

    how doea apple do it? why do the dev tools ship with the OS on mac and cost 1000$s extra on windoze?
  • Reply 11 of 12
    The Apple Developer Connection, is a great resource, along with here, of course...

    Consider joining the "free" ADC Online membership program.

    Online Program

    ADC home

    As for the box itself, bank role dependent, keep it simple, keep back up as a regular practice, then hide it under your pillow...

    Have Fun, ken
  • Reply 12 of 12
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    There's also a neat Slashdot article on the topic of using a PowerBook for Java development. The comments cover also other aspects of having a PB.
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