Weird Powerbook/OS X Sh*t

in macOS edited January 2014
I wasn't sure where to put this post, so it might need to be moved by a moderator... it has to do with Current Hardware, Mac OS X, General Discussion, etc, etc, etc...

Anyway, I have a Titanium Powerbook DVI and the left hinge cracked about eight months ago. No big deal I thought, just looks bad. Around the same time, the video on my laptop started to go haywire. At random times, the video would get distorted, tons of horizontal lines would appear on the screen, and I would either have to increase/decrease the angle of the screen or actually *lightly* tap (hit is a better word) the empty space near the trackpad to get the video back to normal.

After installing one of the 10.2.X updates (I think it was 6), the video problem went away. It was great. At the time I didn't realize it had to do with the update, but as soon as I installed the next 10.2.X update, the video problem came back. I installed Panther by doing an "archive and install," and the problem remained. Throughout all of the incremental Panther updates, the problem remained.

I decided to reformat my hard drive yesterday and install a fresh copy of Panther. After the hours spent installing Panther, installing other apps, and transferring old files to the new system, I realized something. The video problem is gone. Not only that, but the fan that used to turn on so frequently rarely turns on anymore, and when it does it is much more quiet than before. It's great.

But it's hella weird. What seemed like a hardware problem (you had to physically abuse the laptop to fix the video) is fixed by a reinstallation of the OS? What's the deal with that? Has anyone heard of this before?

I'm off to kick the sh*t out of my Windows PC. Thanks for listening.



  • Reply 1 of 1
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member

    Originally posted by SteinKoBe88

    But it's hella weird. What seemed like a hardware problem (you had to physically abuse the laptop to fix the video) is fixed by a reinstallation of the OS? What's the deal with that? Has anyone heard of this before?

    I'm off to kick the sh*t out of my Windows PC.

    Irony. Pure. Ahh.
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