Is it ok to delete these caches?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Today I searched the Internet for information on deleting caches in OS X. I came across this page:

Is it ok to delete the caches they list? If so, is it beneficial to delete these caches?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    No benefit unless you are doing it to troubleshoot a problem. It will slow down your computer. You can buy more disk space instead of deleting caches.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by talksense101

    No benefit unless you are doing it to troubleshoot a problem. It will slow down your computer. You can buy more disk space instead of deleting caches.

    Slow down the computer forever, or just for a while? I don't need extra disk space. I just want to delete the caches for fun.
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