20 inch Cinema and GeForce 2MX

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a Power Mac G4 Single Processor 867 Mhz (quicksilver) with it's built in GeForce 2 MX graphics card.

I bought a 20 inch apple LCD in september (the old style, not aluminum) and when i boot up, the spinning circle thing under the apple logo, that screen before Mac OS X... well it displays at a stretched 640x480 resolution, and i was wondering if that is right, it looks crappy to me, and it is unlike Apple for their logo or anything to ever look crappy, in my opinion.

Also, in my displays pane of system prefs, I can't select 1280x1024 well actually, anything above 1024x768 except 1680x1050. I'd like to be able to set 1280x1024 so i can preview web pages i make in that resolution.

Any ideas?



  • Reply 1 of 4
    daveleedavelee Posts: 245member
    I don't know why this occurs but a reasonable tool for overriding display settings is DisplayConfig .

    I think you should be able to select the aspect ratio and resolution you need with this.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    The native display resolution of the 20" ACD is 1680x1050. Any other resolution will not display properly on the screen due to its wide screen aspect ratio.. All LCD displays are designed to run on their native resolutions.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    daveleedavelee Posts: 245member
    By the way, I assume you are connecting the graphics card to the LCD using the ADC connection?
  • Reply 4 of 4
    yeah, i know all lcds display a native resolution, i just want to be able to switch to 1280x 1024 to make sure my website looks decent at that resolution. yes i am hooking it up to my card via apple display connector.

    i will try out that program, but really i was wondering if there was some issue with my card or something that would be causing both the lack of resolution options, and the apple logo to display oddly during startup

    i started up a fairly new 1.25 ghz G4 powermac with a 20 inch apple lcd (same model as mine) and it just made the apple logo small in the center, mine blows it up..


    thanks though
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