iTunes and a full HD

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I recently started putting my older CD's in iTunes. Now my HD is almost full. I am thinking of using iTunes Library Manager.

Has any one used this or something like it? For libraries with greater than 12,000 songs is a 54,000 rpm drive that much better than the 45,000? I plan on getting a 100 GB 2.5 drive which is 45,000 rpm. I wish they would make a 250 GB 2.5 drive.



  • Reply 1 of 3
    I think you mean 5400 and 4200 RPM . That would be quite a fast harddrive lol. I may end up taking a look at this program myself for use with my Powerbook, but I will need to decide if I wanna spend the money on it.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    regreg Posts: 832member
    My bad or was that wishful thinking. I use other external drives for iPhoto and the speed is not really required. I was not sure how continuous audio play would be on the slower drive.

  • Reply 3 of 3

    Originally posted by reg

    My bad or was that wishful thinking. I use other external drives for iPhoto and the speed is not really required. I was not sure how continuous audio play would be on the slower drive.


    If you use the drive mainly for playback of MP3s it shouldn't matter. The only time transfer rates would matter is during the initial copy/load where you copy/transfer/whatever the MP3s to the drive. Even when you import from CD while simultaneously playing something else won't matter much.
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