bad PB screen

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
i just got a new PB w/ superdrive at a local apple reseller. i turned it on, and noticed what looks like a small fly on the screen. the dead pixels are in a tiny cluster 1/2 inch from the edge of the screen. a few inches below that are a few more dead pixels grouped together. i have to bring it in tomorrow for them to diagnose. i don't feel very comfortable taking a brand new machine that already had to be worked on, so i hope they give me a new one, although i sensed some resistence. how do you suppose they would fix it, just take the top off and replace it with a new lid/screen. i'm nervous as this was a purchase i've been waiting to make for a year. kind of takes the fun out of it. now i'm terribly inconvenienced and i haven't even used it yet. i'll post the results.

it makes me wonder if buyers should flip it open and power it up before leaving the store, or demanding to see it powered up before they ring in the sale.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Apple is always really good about these types of things. Obviously, if they won't be able to fix it in the store, they will replace it...o boy, another long shipping wait...I don't think it would be possible to fix a deal pixel...
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