Xbox Live and the Apple Wireless Interny Products Help

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Today I purchased an Airport express, which was SUPPOSED to bridge my airport extreme and xbox to run xbox live. So this is my current rundown:

Comcast Internet Modem->(cable)->Apple airport extreme->(wirlessly)->Airport Express->(cable)->Xbox

I did no configuring whatsoever except allowing the AAE (apple airport extreme) to be a WDS to the AE (Airport Express) which basically allows the AE to be an "extender" of the AAE's netork from what I understand. Either way when I try to play on XBL (xbox live) it says that there is a connection problem. Must I do port forwarding, and if so which ports? Agh this is SO aggravating, please someone help!


  • Reply 1 of 8
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Brtnboarder495

    Today I purchased an Airport express, which was SUPPOSED to bridge my airport extreme and xbox to run xbox live. So this is my current rundown:

    Comcast Internet Modem->(cable)->Apple airport extreme->(wirlessly)->Airport Express->(cable)->Xbox

    I did no configuring whatsoever except allowing the AAE (apple airport extreme) to be a WDS to the AE (Airport Express) which basically allows the AE to be an "extender" of the AAE's netork from what I understand. Either way when I try to play on XBL (xbox live) it says that there is a connection problem. Must I do port forwarding, and if so which ports? Agh this is SO aggravating, please someone help!

    I've got no idea. AirPort has software for windows and Macs. XBox is different though, Umm, tricky, try asking XBox or Apple.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    you have to tell the express to share its connection through the wired port. i dont even know if it can do this. i've thought of doing the same though.
  • Reply 3 of 8

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    you have to tell the express to share its connection through the wired port. i dont even know if it can do this. i've thought of doing the same though.

    Ya that Happens to be the problem. Typically, the Ethernet port is used for an INCOMING internet ethernet cable. However I am using the Express as a relay base, that extends the main base stations range, and acts as a bridge, but isnt really its own airport. I know how to enable sharing of internet connections in my computer itselft but I wonder how to do it with the the AE?

    Would a cross-over cable, or some other type of cable work this mess out, could right now I have a straight through. Either way, I need HELP!
  • Reply 4 of 8

    Originally posted by Brtnboarder495

    Ya that Happens to be the problem. Typically, the Ethernet port is used for an INCOMING internet ethernet cable. However I am using the Express as a relay base, that extends the main base stations range, and acts as a bridge, but isnt really its own airport. I know how to enable sharing of internet connections in my computer itselft but I wonder how to do it with the the AE?

    Would a cross-over cable, or some other type of cable work this mess out, could right now I have a straight through. Either way, I need HELP!

    You might want to try switching the two base stations. Use the express as the main base station connected to the cable modem and use the extreme as the bridge. The extreme has two ethernet ports on it, one designed for being plugged into the cable modem and one for another computer or router going out of the base station. I'm not sure if it would work in bridged mode, but it works for me just using the base station.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    Nah, I cant, my dad "needs" that one for work, Plus there is no difference, I have already reasearched, at least I think. Is there a certain cable for those <-> labeled ports? (are they ethernet?)

    Another question, How do I find my DNS on an airport extreme?
  • Reply 6 of 8
    I have had similar problems with my set up. I have it set up like this:

    cable one modem> (ethernet) airport base station> (ethernet) xbox.

    I can actually log on to XBL but I always get dropped in the middle of my games. I know the problem is the base station because when I hook my xbox directly to the modem it works fine. Unfortunately I have to power cycle my modem and base station whenever I want to get online or when I want to get back onto XBL I would just use a hub but my service only allows one devise and I don?t want to pay extra for two. The guy at maclife told me the xbox and the airport station were not talking to each other properly but that there was a way to fix it by telling the airport station to share its connection or something. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member
    I'm not sure how it works with the xbox.

    However, when I had a Mac Mini, I bought a second airport express. I plugged it in by the Mac Mini, and I used an ethernet cable between the second airport express and the Mac Mini to provide the access to my network and Internet. It worked.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    I actually managed to figure it out!

    Basically its set up how I posted in my first post. The trick was that I had to click on the box under Airport Express's Utility, which allows the ethernet port on it to be used.
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