Remote Desktop issues

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Hi, I'm new the forum. I've been a Windows user since the dawn of 3.1x for Workgroups. (Amigas before that). Anyway, I'm on the cusp of buying an Apple machine of some sort, so I've been using the new iMac G5's at my campus library. I'm using the Remote Desktop feature to log in to my XP Pro machine back home, but I'm getting terrible resolution, an unsizeable window, and only 8-bit color.

Is there something wrong? I know my network connection isn't slow - I'm on a very wired campus (Georgia Tech to be specific).

My guess would be that the stock RDC program is just not very good. Are there aftermarket (free or not) programs that do a better job? Also, is it possible to open the Mac's desktop from my Windows machine? I'll probably want to go both ways on the remote desktop issue when I get an Apple machine.

Thanks for any help.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Are you using RDC from Microsoft? If yes and it should be yes, simply click on the down arrow next to options. Click on the tab ?Display?. Choose you desired settings, then go to the tab ?Performance? and do the same. The settings are self-explanatory.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    acr4acr4 Posts: 100member
    I gotta get used to this Mac thing. Thanks for the help. I don't know why I never thought to click that button...

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