Error Code 1309

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am trying to copy a 6.12 Gb file from my iBook (1.42 GHz G4, 1 Gb RAM, 60 Gb hard drive, OS 10.4.4) to an external USB2 drive (240 Gb, FAT-32 Format). It gets about halfway through the copy before I get the error code -1309. A google search lead me to some other forums where there were no clear answers. There was some talk about a 4Gb file limit? Does anyone have any tips to offer?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    kishankishan Posts: 732member
    Anybody? Help would be appreciated... I can't have this file taking up 10% of the hard drive space on my laptop.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    r3dx0rr3dx0r Posts: 201member
    yup, file size seems to be the problem. i found a short description here.

    so i guess the volume you're trying to copy the file to does not support files bigger than 4gb. you could either split the file (stuffit deluxe does that but there might be a free alternative out there), or reformat the volume to hfs+.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    kishankishan Posts: 732member
    crap... well thanks anyways. After reading your reply I started looking for ways to split the file into small pieces and then reassemble them once individually copied over. I found this nice little bit of freeware that seems to be doing the trick. Apparently it takes advantage of some Unix voodoo to get the job done.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    The "Unix voodoo" isn't all that complicated. See my post in this thread.

    --> Stephen
  • Reply 5 of 5
    r3dx0rr3dx0r Posts: 201member
    cool, i didn't know about split. thanks stephen
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