Posting Guidelines - Accurate thread descriptions

in Feedback edited January 2014
IF there was one thing that I would change about this forum above all others it would be to add a "closed" sticky at the top of a few forums like Future Hardware that says PLEASE ACCURATELY DESCRIBE YOUR TOPIC IN THE TITLE OF YOUR THREAD.

I think it is totally ridiculous to look in at a topic page, and see these threads that say:



"Waste of money at this point?"

OR - along the same line, threads that have the title "WWDC details" but you look inside and it looks like it should have said:

"This is My WWDC Prediction"

It's like going to the store and buying what appears to be a can of mushrooms, but you open it, and it's actually a can of shit. If I were planting a flower bed that can of shit might be real handy, but I was trying to make mushroom soup, and my mushroom soup recipe does not call for shit.

Sure, some mushrooms grow on shit so there is a slight relation, but I still by no means need shit in my soup.
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