Apple should stop Foxcon's suit.

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
It's really not so hard. Apple should quietly tell Foxconn that if they want to keep them as a client, they should drop the suit. Apple's audit found that the overwork charges were true and that the living conditions were also unacceptable under its own code of conduct.

If Apple wants to prove good faith, rather than whitewash, then Foxcon has to drop this suit and release all the journalists's assets.

Press freedom in China is already rare enough. An American company should not be doing business with a supplier attempting to suppress journalists there. These journalists took a personal risk that is hard to grasp in the comfortable West, and they should not be punished by any company that sells itself as forward-thinking.

If Apple does nothing, this amounts to approval.

I don't know about you guys, but I would like to buy my Apple products without them being made by virtual slaves. If I wanted bottom-dollar equipment I wouldn't be an Apple customer to begin with.


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