Problems running iTunes on external hard drive!

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
So, last night I transferred my entire music folder over to an external hard drive. It copied all the files and I then proceeded to tell itunes where my new music folder was located. The problem I ran into was when I actually deleted the music files from my internal hard drive my library won't automatically find the files. When I click on a song it comes up with an error message saying, "original file cannot be found, would you like to locate file?". If I tell it yes, I can then manually tell it where the file is, and it will play. I'm really hoping there is an easier way around this issue because going in and doing this for every song in my library would take years. Should I clear out the library and then drag it from the external hard drive? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.



  • Reply 1 of 1
    File -> Add folder to library

    Re add the folder and let it reorganise itself.

    Alternatively keep you old set up but where you iTunes Music folder used to be add a shortcut to your extenal drive
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