iTunes Question One: Editing ID3 Tags

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Okay so I have noticed on some MP3s I have (ID3 tag version 2.3) I am not able to add album cover art, all though I have noticed with some other MP3s, also with ID3 tag version 2.3, I can.

Why is this?

I have tried to change permissions on the file in the finder and no dice, that still doesn't help.

Any advice?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    Try using another ID3 editor to add the artwork. For example ID3X.

    You might find that there is some problem with the tags on the file. I've often seen that iTunes does not properly update tags in the file, but in the iTunes library file instead, so when you take the mp3 to another machine, half the tags are missing. ID3X will also allow you to get rid of the old ID3 v1.x tags
  • Reply 2 of 4
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Originally Posted by yama View Post

    Try using another ID3 editor to add the artwork. For example ID3X.

    You might find that there is some problem with the tags on the file. I've often seen that iTunes does not properly update tags in the file, but in the iTunes library file instead, so when you take the mp3 to another machine, half the tags are missing. ID3X will also allow you to get rid of the old ID3 v1.x tags

    Any other solutions? That did not work.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    What exactly happens when you try to add the images? Do they appear to be saved, or is there an error?

    Is it just in iTunes that the artwork doesn't show up? What happens if you use QuickLook on the mp3 files? Does the artwork show then?
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Note, sometimes clearing the ID3 tags and re-applying them resolves issues.

    In iTunes, right-click on the problem track and select "Convert ID3 Tags...".

    Check "ID3 Tag version:" and set it to None. Then press OK.

    Go back into convert tags again and then set it to your desired version and hit OK.

    See if that clears your issue.
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