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  • Going hands on with Nomad's Base Station Pro -- The first real free-placement Qi charger

    ivanh said:
    Is there a way to turn off wireless charging on iPhone 11 Pro?  
    I accidentally placed it on my belly during a few minutes nap, and a ring shape burn mark appeared on the next day. Three times already!
    I hear that accidentally placing an iPhone 11 Pro in the path of an oncoming steam roller permanently switches off wireless charging, and indeed all its  electromagnetic emissions.
  • Steve Jobs email reveals Apple was evaluating an 'iPhone nano' in 2010

    In 2020 Tim Cook was not evaluating a Mac Nano even though Apple had the technical ability to produce one easily. That's the difference between a CEO with vision and one with ability. Jobs imagined products that could not be produced. Cook can't imagine products which can be produced.
    All this uninformed Tim Cook bashing is getting tiresome: Tim Cook was one of Steve Jobs’s very first, if not first hires when he resumed as CEO. Jony Ive was one of the few senior people Steve Jobs retained from the previous Apple administration.

    Thus the 21st century success of Apple is as much the fruit of Tim Cook’s and Jonathan Ive’s labours as it is Steve Jobs’s.
  • Twitter confirms staff manipulated for high-profile account access by hackers

    dysamoria said:
    The state of being flawed is normalised by the tech geeks. “You don’t understand how complex software is” becomes a special pleading (logical fallacy) defense of inherently bad tech. Non-tech users and customers are bullied into accepting it because where is there any other option? Free market? Ha ha ha ha ha. The state of computing itself, and the culture of “everything has bugs”, is the problem, not the individual brands (though yesterday’s Apple were more strict about the number of bugs they allowed in shipping products and used to have design so good that it pushed the industry forward a little bit; but no longer).
    This is full blown CULTURE. Almost nobody knows how to see outside the context of broken crap as a norm.
    Interesting rant.
    You must have scored one hundred percent in every assessment you've undergone in your life.
    Someone of your ability must be incredibly wealthy from providing complex products and/or services that are flawless.
    Yet with all your talent, it's incomprehensible why you've failed to persuade the tech geeks and industry to follow your perfectly superior approach.
  • How Apple Silicon Macs can supercharge computing in the 2020s

    avon b7 said:

    Apple definitely does not have any such 'broader or taller technology stack to work with than any other competitor' . That is ludicrous.

    Ludicrous in the extreme.

    I would like you to support that claim.
    Seriously? In that case, which other competitors author their own operating systems for several categories of products they sell in volume, just like Apple does with macOS for desktops, iOS/iPadOS for mobile devices, tvOS for set-top boxes AND watchOS for wearables?
    And how many of those competitors design the very microprocessors that go into their own products?
  • Apple Pay picks up over 20 more US banks including Texas' Moody National

    daye said:
    It really doesn't matter about how many banks are included in Apple Pay, It really matters now about how many retailers can accept Apple Pay. 
    How about the using Apple Pay at banks ATM machines?

    Too few retailers are accepting Apple pay now. That is the problem.
    I don't understand why there appears to be a desire within corporations and institutions in the USA to overly complicate things.

    Just look at Apple Pay in the UK, Apple Pay can be used at any card terminal that accepts the relevant contactless cards, what you refer to in the USA as NFC terminals, even if the merchant isn't officially signed up for Apple Pay.  It just means that your Apple Pay payment is limited to the contactless card limit of thirty pounds.