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  • There is nothing quite like Cup Stacking! This is so stupid, but in a way they ARE mindboggingly fast. and this video. I know it's windows media but... Ridiculou…
  • Quote: Originally posted by alcimedes ahh, but Matlock, if you'd read the post i linked, it's saying that the biggest reason the earth is heating up could very well be the fact that the sun is getting hotter. seems logical to me. as for CO2 b…
  • Quote: Originally posted by groverat Way too much has been invested into the "industrialization causing global warming" theory as fact to just let it go. It IS fact. Any atmosphere traps the heat of the planet, and some gases are more effect…
  • I might get flamed for this, but I disagree. Becoming a soldier shouldnt force you to blindly accept any order/assignment. If you don't support this war, you should do all you can NOT to fight in it. I admit I don't know how the US Army works,…
  • [quote]Originally posted by groverat: My nephew Luke is half-way through FotR, he's 6. And math is his main strength so far. I just don't buy any argument that says kids of "the past" were smarter in some way than kids today. It's just silly r…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Anders the White: Hope you are over 20 and meant that as a joke. If not then what you said would be like my 7 yearm old nephew asking me if I had heard about someone called Madonna or a band called U2 You're abs…
  • He is truly great. Oxygene is as much a technical wonder for its time as it is a simply great song. Many think of electronic music as just a dance beat and nothing else. Jarre and other acts like Kraftwerk, the pioneers of electronics, were great …
  • [quote]Originally posted by thegelding: was just absurdist humor...or was it?? It was absolutely serious. Boogie Nights is pure genius, as is PTA himself. He's one of, if not THE the best screenwriter out there. both movies a…
  • [quote]Originally posted by thegelding: Boogie Nights / The Princess Bride (actually the same movie if you watch closely) Boogie Nights IS my favorite movie. Could you explain what you mean? I don't see the parallel...
  • [quote]Originally posted by Outsider: Actually I read about this energy that lives in the vacuum in a special Space issue of Scientific American (December 2002, has no ads, and all articles about the Universe; I highly recommend it). I'll have …
  • [quote]Originally posted by Scott: My astro physics prof used to tell us that your mass does not increase when you go faster. Something about it being a mathematical convenience and not a physical effect. I think there are 2 way to see it: eithe…
  • I heard about this guy before, and he's one of the funniest hack ever. He was doing an interview on TV about something related to these warp drives. He was talking about vacuum energy, which doest exist, but in such an incohrent way. He was using…
  • [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy: I loved Vanilla Sky. To me it brought up a lot of the same sort of issues you mention here, but in a way that kept me entertained, and with a satisfying ending that resolved the plot in a clever way. Tha…
  • That movie is Wild At Heart. It fits strangely among his other films, but is still pure Lynch greatness!
  • [quote]Originally posted by Outsider: I'm glad, Matlock is on the case! Justice will prevail, don't worry.
  • OK I'll correct a few things. As something travels faster and faster in a certain referential, its INERTIAL mass as measured in this same referential is getting bigger. But is GRAVITATIONAL mass doesn't change. Those are 2 very distinct concepts.…
  • I will try to stay with only 5 or so. Lost Highway - Or in fact pretty much anything from Lynch. BTW Mulholland Drive is so easy to figure out compared this one and Twin Peaks Lynch is a genious, and LH in particular is so dark, so weird, …
  • [quote]Originally posted by _ alliance _: yes, definitely a classic. also try from orbital: the box and the sinner. Ahhh The Box... Such a "trippy" song. Try to fing the single version. It's in 4 parts and last something like 32min. It's am…
  • That was probably the funniest movie I have saw. OK, it's not really a movie, it's juste a special, longer episode. Their is nothing socially troubling or I don't know what in Jackass. These are just a bunch of guys having fun doing stupid thing…
  • I bought more 2001 records this year... It was a somewhat weak year IMHO, but here we go! Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots This is pure pop, and still so weird. Their best album (Though The Soft Bulletin kicked some major ass).…