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  • Ok, this is from straight scaling of the available info then: Code: Manu. Chip GHz S-INT S-FP GFLOPs Dhrystone RC5 key/s Mot. G4 1.4 428 428 10.2 3243 11.4 mil IBM 970 1.4 724 817 11.…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Shaktai I am thinking of trying to come up with "very conservative" theoretical numbers for the performance difference between a 1.42 G4 and a 1.4 970 based upon what little we know about them. ...numbers that would re…
  • Quote: Originally posted by robo It's only in the last few years that Mot has started to suck. Now, suddenly, they sucked for decades? Whatever. Well, I wouldn't have said "sucked", but they have had other major snafus. The 68060 lingered and…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Shaktai By that roadmap, the 7457RM wasn't indicated until 2004 anyway, and RIO not until 2005. As always Motorola is behind the curve. Um. "RM" stands for 'RapidIO + Memory Controller'. The wavy symbol on the c…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Amorph The 970 FPU can do double-precision floating point, and it looks to be a significantly better performer than the G4 at this task. Just to amplify on this point (though I agree with Amorph's post). 1.0 GHz …
  • Quote: Originally posted by kupan787 I would bet that 90% of us will not run a 64 bit app anytime in the next 5 years! I'd bet that Apple would ship _something_ with the machine that's 64-bit. There were AltiVec freebies to demonstrate the s…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Telomar There's a major difference in the support contracts Apple and IBM supply. I'd like to nominate this for "Biggest Understatement EVAR."
  • Quote: Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg Who would have thought back in the 80s that one day someone at IBM would get "Steved"? Steve of course.
  • Here's a work-around.
  • Quote: Originally posted by MacsRGood4U ... Removing tracks from the store could also just be a technical issue. Perhaps the performer was not satisfied with the quality. There's also reports of users downloading 1) a few songs with _horrib…
  • 1.0 GHz G4+ SpecFP=157 1.8 GHz 970 SpecFP=1051. If you see "the competition" as x86land -> things to debate. But the opposition is the G4. And there's no question which will come out on top in that comparison, even if you postulate 2.0 GHz…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Anonymous Karma So - there's not too much room for a L4 cache in a system like this. If you have L1, L2, and L3 in their std locations (where the L3 is directly connected to the CPU but not manufactured on the same …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Bigc maybe the reason the GCC code has been getting better over the last couple of years is the fact that Apple and IBM have been working on it. And RedHat (for IBM in part), and (amusingly enough) Mot. Lots of …
  • Quote: Originally posted by RBR Is this really the guy shareholders want leading the company at a time when its future is very much being shaped by current actions? Speaking as another shareholder, I'd also like to say YES. 1) The 'RDF' is…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Amorph Even if OS X can't muster the raw performance of Linux, and even if the hardware isn't quite as cheap as the sort of stuff usually used to build Beowulf clusters, do not underestimate the appeal of an Apple-slic…
  • Quote: Originally posted by ArkAngel I don't think Apple and IBM have the same customers typically. It would make sense perhaps to buy a truck load of IBM blades and then maybe sell a 970 Mac as the sysops desktop machine, from which they'd admin…
  • Quote: Originally posted by moki IBM has its own heavily optimized POWER4 compilers already. A better question might be "Why is GCC only being optimized for the POWER4/PPC 970 architecture only now?" No, its why the )(*)(*)( hasn't Apple pai…
  • If we see Mac OS X Server running on a Power4 box, the logo on the front will read "IBM".
  • More on that Mercury Blade... I poked around on their site downloading & reading things... Although it says that their 'blade' has RapidIO and a G4 on it, it doesn't ever say that the _G4_ has RapidIO. RapidIO is a scaleable bus that can …
  • Quote: Originally posted by NETROMac Ok, so we know that the 970 is eventually going to get faster than 1.8 ghz, but the 2.5 blades were supposedly prototype 0.09 parts that supposedly will be introduced later than the inital 0.13 ones (early nex…