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  • M1 Mac mini instances now generally available in Amazon AWS cloud service

    Price it out.  We rented a dedicated machine and it’s like buying a physical machine each month. 
  • Netflix wants to crack down on users sharing passwords

    Step 1: Let the account owner know when someone hacks your account and is streaming for free!!!!  This would appear as account sharing but is not.  I did not even know someone was streaming on my account until I streamed the next day and the language was changed and several user types were added!  There is no way I found to track this or lock it down. 
  • Apple shifted orders from Foxconn to Luxshare to assist $275B China deal

    I would never write propaganda, seek to offend, or simplify a problem.  In the 90’s we had export controls and the machines my company created were not allowed to be shipped to several countries for security concerns.  These export controls were eventually lifted to create larger markets and sell into those controlled countries.  Now those markets have super computers faster than our own which may not be that important but it demonstrates that the playfield has been leveled.  But it was at this time that my company opened a chip manufacturing plant in China.  Something I could not believe we would do. The amount of process IP, equipment that had been originally banned for export, and lithographic reticles (the photos of the chip layers) for the complex processor sent to China were tremendous.  Why? Profit and also to avoid tariffs/taxes which depend on how much a chip is manufactured locally.  I am sure
    management felt at that time they had to get into the Chinese market before competitors did.   Unfortunately, we basically gave our advantage away and the same companies are now asking for a government hand out to “rebuild US chip making capability” to compete which is a new low, in my opinion. Now no one could predict that China would roll back its societal plans, know that it would roll back Hong Kong, start building up a military, build military islands, threaten many of their neighbors (and TMSC), etc.   But that is now the reality.  And why?  Ego. It’s always ego, isn’t it.  My point is, companies may start making decisions based on more criteria than where can they make the most profit.   The long term societal consequences are tremendous.  I for one would just like the world to be safe - a small ask.  And yes, it is a complex problem that is now so globally interleaved so that moving out of China would take decades with unknown side effects.  I also don’t think the US is an angel in all this either.  But here we are.  

    I won’t write any more and save it for other sites.   I like Apple and the phones they make coming out of China are well built by good people who are clawing out of poverty.  US should be proud that we helped the Chinese people.   I hope we find solutions but also not lose our computer science and engineering edge.  Mic drop. 

    Just pull all manufacturer out of China.  They will use the money we pay them to build their military and attack us at some point in time.  We are stupid to think otherwise.  All they have to do now is claim ownership of an American company in China and take it and all it’s assets and IP over and we are powerless to do anything.  But the shareholders will cry and ask our average American sons and daughters in the military will be asked to step up and ensure the .1 of 1%-ters keep their share.  We should never have enrich our advisories for profit and we never ever should have exported our superior computer technology around the world giving up our supremacy.  Gloomy picture, I know.  But the world is run by a few greedy families and its all legal and very obfuscated.
    This is bs propaganda! Why would a nation busy producing goods for the world plan to attack in the future? Only a hateful person will use this kind of logic. 
    Just ignore it.  There’s a lot of folks who believe 
    they could solve the world’s problems if only someone would put them in charge.  And messages like this from our friend AppleUfmyl are the solutions offered.  But the world is a bit more complex.   Let them dream of simple solutions.  

  • Apple shifted orders from Foxconn to Luxshare to assist $275B China deal

    Just pull all manufacturer out of China.  They will use the money we pay them to build their military and attack us at some point in time.  We are stupid to think otherwise.  All they have to do now is claim ownership of an American company in China and take it and all it’s assets and IP over and we are powerless to do anything.  But the shareholders will cry and ask our average American sons and daughters in the military will be asked to step up and ensure the .1 of 1%-ters keep their share.  We should never have enrich our advisories for profit and we never ever should have exported our superior computer technology around the world giving up our supremacy.  Gloomy picture, I know.  But the world is run by a few greedy families and its all legal and very obfuscated.
  • Apple worker walkout organizers issue demands, size of strike unclear

    I am all for making staff full time and giving them benefits.   Having several part time jobs to make ends meet just stinks.  In the end, Apple doesn’t build enough Apple stores either and constrains the availability of repair appointments and such. We have 2 Apple stores that service and the region with 3 million people.   It’s a lose for the employee and a lose for the customer.   Every time they send me a post visit survey I provide feedback that their staff just can’t keep up with demand which creates visceral responses from angry customers that can’t get what they need.  Getting a phone repaired Is just a nightmare here.   Not sure I would punish the customers and perhaps find another method like leveraging social media.  Good luck Apple employees and Merry Christmas! 