Are you ready for Windows 7 ?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Who's ready for the release of Windows 7???




  • Reply 1 of 20
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by O-Mac View Post

    Who's ready for the release of Windows 7???



    I've been running it on a Dell 400 I had laying around. Not a bad system, would never use it for anything other then toying around with though. Real men use Unix.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I've been using it for about 4 months now, so I guess I'm ready.

    It's fantastic.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Posts: 1,772member
    I've been running the release candidate on a relatively powerful machine. Some instability caused by third-party drivers that aren't up to snuff, but that is to be expected. *shrug* No problems otherwise.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    we've been doing testing with it at my company for the past few months

    we strictly did NOT allow any vista machines, however, after sp1 for 7, i am going to slowly migrate machines over to it

    i was so dissatisfied with vista, we couldn't even run 3rd. party apps that our company depends on ...not to mention that the same machine that would fly with xp, would run like molasses with vista, when we run 7 on the same machine it isn't as quick as xp but it seems like leaps and bounds ahead of vista
  • Reply 5 of 20
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by O-Mac View Post

    Who's ready for the release of Windows 7???



    Wait!! Let me instal an antivirus so when Windows 7 hits I will be safe.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    My IT department is still pushing XP. Darn.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    quillzquillz Posts: 209member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    Wait!! Let me instal an antivirus so when Windows 7 hits I will be safe.

    If you're careful about what you download on the Internet, you won't get a virus. On any platform.

    I have never run anti-virus software on any platform I've used, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. And I've never gotten a virus on any of them. (Well, I got a proof-of-concept virus on Linux, but it was intentional.)
  • Reply 8 of 20
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    If you're careful about what you download on the Internet, you won't get a virus. On any platform.

    I have never run anti-virus software on any platform I've used, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. And I've never gotten a virus on any of them. (Well, I got a proof-of-concept virus on Linux, but it was intentional.)

    BS, pure BS.

    Not getting an antivirus is not an option when you have sensitive data, which I do, and cannot afford the downtime. The thing is also to keep from getting a virus you have to basically limit yourself to visiting only websites you already know and opening no attachments. Those are also not an option.

    A mac offers everything windows 7 offers and then a truckload more without the need for anti-anything. Why bother?
  • Reply 9 of 20
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    BS, pure BS.



    If you're careful about what you download on the Internet, you won't get a virus. On any platform.

    This shows a pure lack of understanding on how malware infects computers in the modern day.


    A mac offers everything windows 7 offers and then a truckload more without the need for anti-anything. Why bother?

    Didn't you just contradict your BS statement with this statement??
  • Reply 10 of 20
    I am ready. as a matter of fact, I just bought new PC laptop couple of days ago. so I am eligible to get free upgrade kit whenever it will be released. I like windows OS even I have used mac for 15 years. nowadays, I realize that OS is not really matter to me. both windows and mac os x have avdantage each other. so Apple fanboys don't blame for windows users. you think that you won't have any virus or malware forever? it's not. it's depends on demand. windows occupies more than 90% OS market. that's why it is easy target for hackers. if mac os x will be surpassed over 20%, it will become main target as well. it's just matter of time. unfortunately most mac users have no idea how to deal with it. be prepare always. you never know.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    Originally Posted by O-Mac View Post

    Who's ready for the release of Windows 7???



    I have stopped using my HP laptop (reasonably powerful dv6314tx with 2GB of RAM) due to Vista's sluggishness. On a note, getting ridding of Norton 360 helped a LOT with Vista's performance.

    I am going to wait for Windows 7 pricing in India. The early bird offers aren't available here and I am using the 64bit Ultimate edition and I cannot upgrade to any lower edition in Windows 7. Doing a clean install is not worth it.

    If that doesn't work out, hello Ubuntu!
  • Reply 12 of 20
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by edwardryu View Post

    I am ready. as a matter of fact, I just bought new PC laptop couple of days ago. so I am eligible to get free upgrade kit whenever it will be released. I like windows OS even I have used mac for 15 years. nowadays, I realize that OS is not really matter to me. both windows and mac os x have avdantage each other. so Apple fanboys don't blame for windows users. you think that you won't have any virus or malware forever? it's not. it's depends on demand. windows occupies more than 90% OS market. that's why it is easy target for hackers. if mac os x will be surpassed over 20%, it will become main target as well. it's just matter of time. unfortunately most mac users have no idea how to deal with it. be prepare always. you never know.

    So what you are saying is that you would rather have viruses and malware now rather than latter. Gotcha.
  • Reply 13 of 20
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    W7 is better than the steaming pile that is Vista. But it is still Windows, and Windows is still years behind Mac OS. I Use a Windows program from time to time and I have it on BC and VM. I also stay updated so that I can keep up with what's going on and provide up to date tech support for family and friends. I die a little every time I have to work in Windows.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by Mac Voyer View Post

    W7 is better than the steaming pile that is Vista. But it is still Windows, and Windows is still years behind Mac OS. I Use a Windows program from time to time and I have it on BC and VM. I also stay updated so that I can keep up with what's going on and provide up to date tech support for family and friends. I die a little every time I have to work in Windows.

    Finally a smart person. They are few and far in between.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    Finally a smart person. They are few and far in between.

    I'm all for OS X, heck, I switched my whole family over to it, but you Tauron, are one of the reasons I cringe every time I think about the fanboyism Windows users scream at us about.

    Each OS has it's uses, and every person has their preference. I agree, OS X is over all better than Windows, but I'm not going to throw it in the face of everyone who has an opinion to the contrary.
  • Reply 16 of 20
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    I don't really care.

    It's Windows. Same old same old. Still way behind OS X. MS has no control over hardware, and can barely manage an OS rollout. Nothing new to offer, anyway. Should I look to these people for a satisfying user experience?

    Been there, done that. And unfortunately the saga has to continue at work.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by Synthetic Frost View Post

    I'm all for OS X, heck, I switched my whole family over to it, but you Tauron, are one of the reasons I cringe every time I think about the fanboyism Windows users scream at us about.

    Each OS has it's uses, and every person has their preference. I agree, OS X is over all better than Windows, but I'm not going to throw it in the face of everyone who has an opinion to the contrary.

    Why not? Throwing stuff at people's faces is a lot of fun and funny. The three stooges have done it and it works, people laugh. What is the point of posting in these forums if not to piss off windows users?
  • Reply 18 of 20
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I don't really care.

    It's Windows. Same old same old. Still way behind OS X. MS has no control over hardware, and can barely manage an OS rollout. Nothing new to offer, anyway. Should I look to these people for a satisfying user experience?

    Been there, done that. And unfortunately the saga has to continue at work.


    A friend of mine has to maintain 10 windows and 10 mac machines with a server in between. He tells me that if the company eliminated all windows machines he wouldn't have a job as IT support anymore and would use his time to do much more productive tasks in the company.

    To each their own. Some like chocolate, some like strawberry, some like shit.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Posts: 1,772member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    Why not? Throwing stuff at people's faces is a lot of fun and funny. The three stooges have done it and it works, people laugh. What is the point of posting in these forums if not to piss off windows users?

    If you just want to troll Windows users, you probably could have picked a better forum.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    Why not? Throwing stuff at people's faces is a lot of fun and funny. The three stooges have done it and it works, people laugh. What is the point of posting in these forums if not to piss off windows users?

    To make the platform look good and discuss Macs. These kind of antics should be well beneath a Mac users.
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