I give up on my iphone, how do i get contract fee wave?

in iPhone edited January 2014
My wife picked me up a 3G 14Gig Iphone for Christmas. I had nothing but trouble since then. I shut off my black berry pearl and it appears all **** broke lose after that. My calls are dropping every 15 minutes or so. I tried to convince myself it was no big deal since i really like the iphone features. i really wanted the phone to work as i really fell in love with it. However i kept on getting dropped calls to the point that everyone started to complain. My own mother was getting upset trying to talk to me and i had to call her back every 15 minutes or so.

So i called ATT and they refer me over to apple. Apple informs me to restore the phone and the settings. That did not work. I was then told to shut off the 3G and that did not work. (Please note i waited several weeks before calling apple back because i really hope things would improve) I then called back and i was informed to take the iphone into Apple genius. the genius looked at the phone and told me they did not see any problems but suggested i erase all applications and get a new sim card. they also stated don?t back up my iphone because it might be bad data causing the dropped calls which might be causing the dropped calls. i erase the entire phone and started back over again. I did what they ask and again waited several weeks in hopes things would improve. it did not and i went back to apple again. this time they gave me a new phone and warn me if the same thing happens it must be ATT Problem. i waited several weeks again and i had the same problem. this time i called ATT and the rep notice i have a family plan which consisted of three phones, 1. iphone, 2. wifes black berry pearl 3. my mothers black berry. she asked me does the black berry have dropped call problems? i stated no, then she asked well how can it be a ATT problem? she then check the towers in my area (New York City) she laughed and stated she has never seen so many towers in one area. she then check for trouble on those towers and stated 98 percent are without any problems. she told me there was is nothing more she can do and suggested its an apple problem not ATT. I told her everything i did as per apple including shutting off the 3G. she laugh and stated its a 3G phone why would you need to shut it off? i really did not have a answer for her. Overall i felt i been beat! i been lurking in the shadows reading post and following everyone?s instruction such as turning the phone off at night or letting the battery completely drain and recharging it again. I feel like i am at my wits ends.

i send a email to apple explaining everything and the rep really had nothing to say other than take the phone back to apple genuis. im ****** because the genius already told me if the new phone acts up again it would mean an ATT problem. Att is stating its an apple problem. ATT uses the fact i have two other phones in my home with out any problems as proof. The rep even read an april 6 2009 email from her supervisors informing reps about a problem with apples iphone dropped calls.

i used my employers black berry today which is also on ATT and never had a dropped call. While i have to carry this black berry 24/7 i never used it to talk for personal use. i found myself not wanting to use the iphone because of the dropped calls. i talked on my employers phone for two whole hours without any dropped calls. on the i phone two hours would have mean at least 5-7 dropped calls.

I recently decided to contact apple again to complain about the problem, this time the rep stated he could not help me becacse I need to pay 60.00 support fee. While I have no problem paying the 60.00 fee, but why should I when apple has yet to help me. I would give them 60.00 to fix the phone and my problems if they could. No one knows what the problem is. Now they want me to bring in the phone for repair, but they repair apple genius will only blame ATT. At this point I just want the contract free waive so I can go back to black berry.

does anyone know who i can talk to?


  • Reply 1 of 10
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    In all this time have you thought to find someone with an iPhone who lives in your area and ask if they have the same problem?

    Its completely ridiculous that you haven't gotten a new iPhone yet to determine if its ATT service or not. You are either a huge pushover, or you really aren't that bothered by the dropped calls.

    The first time you walked into Apple you should have walked out with a replacement. The word DEFECTIVE needs to be used, loudly.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    iPhones have a 1 year support agreement as part of the purchase provision.

    Take the phone back to Apple and respectfully ask for a replacement and ask to talk to a manager if you don't get satisfaction. If the manager asks you to keep the phone for some period to test any repair work they do, then do so, but bring the phone back immediately when you experience a problem. Start keeping detailed records of your problems with dates and times. Use this information to request a phone replacement. The experience youve been having is not typical of the device, and if your 3G is like mine, you'll rarely (if ever) drop calls.

    That said, I find it hard to believe your complaint since it contains inaccurate information. You won't be asked to pay for repairs during the first year. "apple has yet to help me" does not characterize any issues I've ever brought to Apple in the 30 years I've owned Apple equipment.




    1. How long is my iPhone covered by Apple’s warranty?

    Apple's Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year. Warranty service for eligible repairs is available at no charge for twelve months from the date of original retail purchase ("date of purchase").

    2. How can I tell if my iPhone is in warranty?

    Apple's Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year from the date of original purchase. Apple's Limited Warranty begins on the date that the iPhone was originally purchased. To determine your warranty coverage, enter the serial number of your iPhone in the Online Service Assistant section on the Apple Support site. Apple may need to examine your proof of purchase document to verify your iPhone's warranty status.

    Note: The service coverage information described at the Apple Support site is based on the date of purchase information available to Apple, depending on when or whether you registered your product or if you purchased it from an Apple authorized reseller. If you believe that the information is inaccurate, please update the information by contacting Apple using the appropriate links on the Apple Support site.

    3. How much will my in-warranty service be?

    Warranty service for eligible repairs is available at no charge for twelve months from the date of purchase. After you return the iPhone that needs service, Apple will examine the iPhone to confirm that the failure is covered by Apple warranty.

  • Reply 3 of 10
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    iPhones have a 1 year support agreement as part of the purchase provision.

    Take the phone back to Apple and respectfully ask for a replacement and ask to talk to a manager if you don't get satisfaction. If the manager asks you to keep the phone for some period to test any repair work they do, then do so, but bring the phone back immediately when you experience a problem. Start keeping detailed records of your problems with dates and times. Use this information to request a phone replacement. The experience youve been having is not typical of the device, and if your 3G is like mine, you'll rarely (if ever) drop calls.

    That said, I find it hard to believe your complaint since it contains inaccurate information. You won't be asked to pay for repairs during the first year. "apple has yet to help me" does not characterize any issues I've ever brought to Apple in the 30 years I've owned Apple equipment.

    Yep, a Better way of saying what I said.

    If you asked 95% of iPhone users, they have mostly a seamless experience. Dropped calls are a rarity now.

    To the OP, DO NOT pay out of your contract. That would just be a terrible fail. Get Apple to replace the phone until you have one that works. Thats what those stores are for, partly. You are paying (a HIGH paying) customer, no reason for you to be left out in the cold with dropped calls by anyone.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by socialworker View Post

    My wife picked me up a 3G 14Gig Iphone for Christmas.

    I trust you didn't get this "14" GB iPhone from China, as Apple does not make a 14 GB iPhone. That model comes in 8 or 16. How did your wife get it? Was it new from a store or second-hand from eBay? It is true that the 3G model has dropped call issues (though I am convinced that AT&T is partly to blame). I am just not clear on whether you might have inherited problems from a previous owner.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    If you read the super long second paragraph carefully, you'll see the original poster did receive a new iPhone replacement from the AppleStore.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    xplicsxplics Posts: 14member
    First sorry to hear about the issues you are having, and find it strange that apple never sent you another IPhone. I also live in NYC, I myself have the IPhone 3GS and have perfect reception with almost never getting dropped calls. So I have to agree with everyone else here and say that it sounds like you have a defective phone.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Dropped calls are a rarity now.

    I wish that were true for me. If I'm on the road, and make or get a call, and the signal is decent, I pull over, because:

    A: It's safer, and

    B: I will almost ALWAYS lose the connection.

    That being said, I deal with it because I have the most excellent pocket computer ever made. I also have a great iPod. The phone? Not so good. I'm convinced, with absolutely no proof, that it's an ATT issue. I live in rural WI and just don't get good coverage. It reminds me of US Cellular 15 years ago.

    I'm currently still using the first generation iPhone, and would love to upgrade, but I'm not very excited about either signing a new contract, or paying the full fee for the 3GS, only to find out that shortly after I do, Verizon or Sprint will get the iPhone. I'm going to wait until later in the year.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    Originally Posted by iMick View Post

    I wish that were true for me. If I'm on the road, and make or get a call, and the signal is decent, I pull over, because:

    A: It's safer, and

    B: I will almost ALWAYS lose the connection.

    That being said, I deal with it because I have the most excellent pocket computer ever made. I also have a great iPod. The phone? Not so good. I'm convinced, with absolutely no proof, that it's an ATT issue. I live in rural WI and just don't get good coverage. It reminds me of US Cellular 15 years ago.

    I'm currently still using the first generation iPhone, and would love to upgrade, but I'm not very excited about either signing a new contract, or paying the full fee for the 3GS, only to find out that shortly after I do, Verizon or Sprint will get the iPhone. I'm going to wait until later in the year.

    thank you all for your advice, please note apple genuis had replace my phone but stated it this happens again, it is a ATT problem. ATT is stating since i have two black berrys in the home and there is no problem with dropped calls it must be a apple problem. also my wife got my first iphone from the apple store on 14 street in nyc. lastly the phone is a 16g and not a 14, my error. lastly one of the main reason why i did not return it sooner cause i really enjoyed the iphone but hated the phone service. i tried to convice myself it would just go away, however it never did.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Even though it's difficult to never say never with Apple. It's a pretty safe bet that Sprint has next to 0% chance of getting the iPhone. T-mobile has the best chance of any US carrier.

    Unless Verizon has a major religeous change in how it controls it's handsets, there is little chance they will be getting the phone anytime soon.

    Originally Posted by iMick View Post


    I'm currently still using the first generation iPhone, and would love to upgrade, but I'm not very excited about either signing a new contract, or paying the full fee for the 3GS, only to find out that shortly after I do, Verizon or Sprint will get the iPhone. I'm going to wait until later in the year.

  • Reply 10 of 10
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by socialworker View Post

    thank you all for your advice, please note apple genuis had replace my phone but stated it this happens again, it is a ATT problem. ATT is stating since i have two black berrys in the home and there is no problem with dropped calls it must be a apple problem. also my wife got my first iphone from the apple store on 14 street in nyc. lastly the phone is a 16g and not a 14, my error. lastly one of the main reason why i did not return it sooner cause i really enjoyed the iphone but hated the phone service. i tried to convice myself it would just go away, however it never did.

    It really doesn't matter if they replaced the phone once, if you're experiencing the problems the way you say you are, you need to bring it to the attention of the company.

    Take it in, ask for a replacement. Record the dates and times of dropped calls. You'll either find that it's not a problem or that it is, and if it is, the folks at the Apple store will be able to see it. There may be resistance to replacing the phone since one had already been replaced, but you need to keep insisting respectfully that you want satisfaction. Obviously, if you don't make this happen, no one else will make it happen for you. Life's like that.

    Just use the voice recorder and speak the day and time, and perhaps where you were when the call dropped.

    Make information work for you.
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