Oh wow. I stumbled upon the first resolution independent icon I've seen on Mac OS X.
I found it in /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight/Contents/Resources/
It's called MDSearchMenuIcon.pdf and it's 20 KB, which isn't bad at all, although it is a simple image.
I know this probably isn't news, but since resolution independence is one of those things Apple keeps putting on the back burner, it's nice to see that they're at least willing to make something resolution independent if it'll save disk space.
It's called MDSearchMenuIcon.pdf and it's 20 KB, which isn't bad at all, although it is a simple image.
I know this probably isn't news, but since resolution independence is one of those things Apple keeps putting on the back burner, it's nice to see that they're at least willing to make something resolution independent if it'll save disk space.
For example:
/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Battery.menu/Contents/Resources/BatteryCharging.pdf
Huh. Why not use SVG files? Using a full-fledged PDF seems kinda silly, unless there's a technical advantage.
Display PDF is built-in. No need to add SVG for complexity when your drawing system has Display PDF already.
Not that it's a big deal