in General Discussion edited January 2014
Seeing as how it is the holidays (which is usually filled with enough unnecessary stress), and how we are all trying to grapple with the day's realities -- faltering economy, hiring freezes and layoffs, terrorist a-holes, warped social values, etc -- I thought it would be a useful to have a thread where we can simply list the things that piss us off without having to debate the things. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

I'll start:

Worthless video game ads (soul reaver et al.)

Yet another presciption drug commercial

People who are more inclined to buy said drugs than to just take care of themselves in the first place. Nexium my ass.

Disgustingly high sports salaries

Crybaby ahtletes (see above)

Companies that lay off long-time employees just to save a few bucks during hard times, even though they could ride it out and survive if they chose to

Wind-bag consultants

Religious fanatics of any kind

Getting left on "hold" while waiting for "premiere" online or phone-based customer service.



People that work corporate jobs, own nothing that can be towed, and yet drive things like the Ford Excursion or a Super Duty truck. Mo-ronic.

"Luxury" SUVs

People who think their lives will be more fulfilling because of all the "luxury" products they buy.

A basic inability for the average schmuck to distinguish between "need" and "want".

Incompetant Referees.


  • Reply 1 of 18
    <a href=""; target="_blank">Wal-Mart Supercenters.</a> Man, I hate those things!
  • Reply 2 of 18
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    That reminds me. I don't like self-agrandizing commercials either "The people at Wal-Mart love their jobs...just ask Joe truck driver!"

    Yeah right, that's why almost every single cashier I've seen at Walmart had a scowl or down-trodden look on their face. Like they were in purgatory or something...

  • Reply 3 of 18
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    Getting nabbed in every possible way for saying something because it's not "politically correct".
  • Reply 4 of 18
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    Dunlop Tires Canada Ltd. is offering $25,000 to people with the surname Dunlop if they change that name to "Dunlop-Tire."

    From the front page of today's Toronto Star:

    [quote]... This [marketing effort] comes backed by a Decima Research survey of 2,000 Canadians, some 37 per cent of whom said they would change their name for the right price and a stunning 42 per cent of whom believe that changing your name to adopt a corporate brand will become a new form of corporate advertising.<hr></blockquote>

    I'm sickened by the depths to which our society will sink in the name of money.
  • Reply 5 of 18
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Oh shit this should be fun.

    Telemarketers- irritating bastards hemroids are more fun

    Commercials- some good most totally shitty. Sell me a product but don't insult my intelligence you goofballs

    Radio Talk- Insane Banter from Talk Radio..yawn STFU and play some music no on with their own brain wants to hear your crap.

    Win2k- Not JUST a piece of shit OS but a Business piece of shit OS.

    Political Correctness- Nigger, kike, spic, gook, mick, yadda yadda yadda. People stop being so damn sensitive

    BCS College Football- Idiot mf'ers couldn't pick a champ if their nutsacks depended on it.

    Politicians- baby kissing wishy washy pricks who stand for nothing.

    Self Righteous people- just because you go to Church doesn't make you a Saint...idiots.

    Canada- Get off of the USA's nuts

    USA- Get over yourself you arrogant schmucks.

    Computers- They all friggin life has only become more complicated since taking on this hobby.

    Feminists- Shutup and get me some coffee!

    Blacks- Go to school! Learn something for chrissakes

    Whites- Step outside of yourself and realize some people are different and do things their own way.

    Asians- Stop freaking out about SAT scores.

    New Yorkers- Not the friggin world does NOT revolve around the Big Apple.

    Television- Shit 500 channels and still nothing on. Stop being so fickle..give ugly people some camera time too.

    Music- Britney Spears and her Pimp of a label has to go. The industry is dead...mainstream music now sucks.

    Hollywood- Gawd U guys suck! No more Pearl Harbors, no more brain dead movies arrrrrgh

    NFL- lighten up!

    NHL- warm up!

    MLB- Ban the Stanks..err Yanks

    Cars- Why do I have to give up vital organs for some speed...bastards.

    SUV- Soccer Moms step back! Stop driving over those speed bumps so slow dammit!

    Apts- WTF? I'm paying more than my Grandma and I own nothing leach bastards.

    Condos- enough building already(Seattle) can I get some friggin SKY back?? Urban sprawl sucks.

    Traffic- I really want to maim whoever designed our roads(seattle)

    Public Schools- Someone take control

    Shit I could go on and on.
  • Reply 6 of 18
    [quote]Originally posted by Daver:

    <strong>Dunlop Tires Canada Ltd. is offering $25,000 to people with the surname Dunlop if they change that name to "Dunlop-Tire."


    that's only $15,750 US

    looks like the're going after the desperate crowd
  • Reply 7 of 18

    The root cause of most of the above evil.
  • Reply 8 of 18
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Okay, here are mine...inspired after spending a little time in Future hardware:

    1. People who don't get that the color thing is SO OVER and that new hardware is NOT going to be green, blue, various shades of red, etc. Accept it and move on, people.

    2. People who are ingesting crack and flinging out ridiculously high-balled, wild-ass predictions like "1.6GHz G5..." and "$999 LCD G4 iMac with a 64MB Radeon and SuperDrive...". YOU people need a smack...and I'm just the guy to give it

    3. People, who while watching some TV show or movie trailer, catch a glimpse of a computer or other piece of digital/electronic gadgetry that they don't recognize and IMMEDIATELY jump to the conclusions that it MUST be Apple's new [fill in the blank] or iWhatever. Yes, the company that shrouds its unreleased, future products in the most dense veil of secrecy the world has ever known is actually going to put said products in the hands of James Vanderbeek, the living room on "Seventh Heaven" or in Nathan Lane's latest "can you guess how gay I am?" cinematic laughfest.

    I'm all for optimism and high-hopes and so forth, but some of you people are absolutely nuts...and you're setting yourselves up for MAJOR letdown and heartbreak.

    And I don't wanna hear you bitching and moaning following the keynote with bullcrap like "we only got a 933MHz LCD iMac..." or "the G4 is only a Dual 1.2GHz...and they didn't release a 36" Drive-In Display...waaaah!" or whatever, because I'll tell you immediately to go climb a tree.

    And then jump off.

    Oh yeah...

    I got your "Truth Train" right here, Sparky...swingin' low.

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 18
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    [quote]Originally posted by hmurchison:


    Tell me about it! I've received tons of calls this week alone. I love telling them that my number's a cell phone and that they better pull my number of the list before they hear from my lawyer...

    I love caller ID.
  • Reply 10 of 18
    SPAM. If I get one more email urging me to visit the best hard core, teen, anal fisting goats web site I'll throw my computer out the window.

    NEWS. Endless pseudo journalistic vomit. I'll only watch the weather channel now...

    FAT. If you're one whose doctor says that you can lose those extra 300 pounds then stop eating at Blimpies and DO IT godammit!

    STUPIDITY. The overall deer in headlights, mouth breathing reactions or attention I get from most of the general population...

    WAKE UP!

    RELIGION. C'mon...enough of the campfire tales and lets get on with the rest of human civilization...

    YUPPIES. Aren't they always the ones in bars that have this need to congregate between the bar and the bathroom...and look quizzically when you ask politely to pass though to take a piss. SIT DOWN OR MOVE ASSHOLES!

    PIERCING. I don't find trying to look like bulletin boards and have breath that smells like batteries appealling...
  • Reply 11 of 18
    [quote]Originally posted by Xool:

    <strong>...Tell me about it! I've received tons of calls this week alone...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <a href=""; target="_blank">this is for new york</a>

    does california have something like this?

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: grand illusion ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 18
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    TIME: it keeps happening!!!!
  • Reply 13 of 18
    time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future...

    i wanna fly like an eagle...
  • Reply 14 of 18
    "Gripe" threads or "What are your pet peeves?" threads. They all read the same.

    [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: CaseCom ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 18
    !)Lack of trays at the dining commons (dc)

    2)Lack of forks at the dc

    3)Lost/stolen/late orders at the dc

    4)Dc food

    5)The dc

    6)Dad's new bitch-woman

    7)Dad's new bitch-woman

    8)Dad's new bitch-woman

    9)When math problems show up on the final that have nothing to do with any of the quarter's homework or in-class examples

    10)People who can't hear worth shit so they turn the t.v. up to insane levels


    12)People who drink (underage)

    13)People who do drugs

    14)Racist people

    15)Religious fanatics - (I went to a concert and two guys were outside yelling "love Jesus," and "Christ is the answer"... yeah ok, what the hell ever happened to 'judge not lest ye be judged?')

    16)When women turn evil

    17)Windows lemmings (ok, so this girl in the room next to me, was in my room, going on and on about how my computer looked so cool, and the monitor looked so cool, and how OS X was awesome and she "wished her computer did that" and said I had the coolest computer in the world, but then later said she didn't really like Macs but really liked the Windows OS... wtf???)

    More later...
  • Reply 16 of 18
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    My pet peeves:


    People who think everything is Americas/Republicans/Democrats/Conservatives/Insert your bias here's fault.

    People who are bigoted against religious people.

    That's enough for now.
  • Reply 17 of 18
    things which "piss me off" (not an exhaustive list):


    corporate america

    the rest of america

    the republican party and the fact that bush and co are still alive/around taking away our liberties and trying to screw over the world

    the democratic party and the fact that they don't have the balls to stand for anything

    religion. and all religious people

    tobacco, smoking, smokers, and other similiar idiocies

    cars, especially suvs and the auto industry bastards who don't care about the environment and the bastards in the petroleum industry and the rest of corporate america

    people who drive cars, and especially people who drive suvs, etc.


    rich people

    tv. and movies and the recording industry's "music" and the entire entertainment industry


    and the fact that people care about it

    and the fact that people don't care about anything else


  • Reply 18 of 18
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    For the record I would like to add to the top of my proverbial list:

    Back Spasms

    Virtually every contenstant I've ever watched on the show "Survivor." In particular big rednecks who wear denim suspender pants in the African desert, and talk like they have a bag of shite in their mouth.

    The REAL jackasses at MTV who invented something called "reality TV" even though there's nothing particularly real about the genre.

    and Shop-lifting movie stars.

    By the way, regarding Seattle's roadways and traffic problems...try Boston or Atlanta. What a couple of cluster-fuked roadway systems those are. Atlanta especially.

    [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
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