Installing Adobe CS4 update on G4 Mac

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Hey everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me out with this, assuming there is a solution. The company I'm working for needs to upgrade its Adobe suite, but is running it on an old mac 1GHz G4 (768 MB of RAM). Naturally, I've run smack into the blank installer alert issue.

I've wandered a few pages deep into Google on the topic. Plenty of people have had success in installing the update on a G4, so that alone shouldn't be the problem. However, none of the proscribed solutions seem to be working out for me. I've removed Safari 4 and attempted to install the update in Safe Mode and still getting a blank installer alert. I also tried uninstalling the InDesign CS4 trial we are using to get by right now and ran Adobe's Clean Sweep. But to no avail!

Does anyone know a trick around this one? I prepared to call Adobe tech support, but since CS4 doesn't support the G4, I'm not expecting it to do as much good as looking online for success stories.


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