slow file transfer over LAN

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I don't know why the throughput rate seems to have dropped considerably since before the release of Snow Leopard, but here's where I am at -

To send an 8meg file in iChat from one Mac Mini connected via 802.11G to the router to another Mac Mini connected to the router by an Ethernet cable takes over 5 minutes. I'd swear that transfers like this used to take less than a minute, less than 30 seconds even, but now it's a huge long time.

I mean, it's an 802.11G network, it should be running closer to 50 megs a second.


Using the shared drop box, the same file is estimated to take 13 minutes.


Further addendum-enatting.

After shooting files here there and everywhere, I think it might be the airport card or the antenna to the airport card inside the Mini. It's never had really good connectivity, but when I added RAM to the thing I had a hell of a time getting it put back together and keeping the airport antenna connected. Is it possible that i broke something in the antenna?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Originally Posted by BigMcLargehuge View Post

    Is it possible that i broke something in the antenna?

    Of course it is! Why don't you open it up again to check?
  • Reply 2 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,486moderator
    One thing to try is a computer-to-computer network. On one machine, create a network, it doesn't have to have a password. Then find that network on the other one and connect to it. Then do a drop box transfer. If that transfer goes ok, it's more likely a router issue. If not, the antenna connection could well be damaged. If it's not repairable, you do get USB wifi connectors like Belkin's - just make sure to get a Mac compatible one.
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