Why do people bother with illegal drugs?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I've got this killer cold so I took some cold medication. It must be exactly like smoking weed:

I'm high

I'm hungry

and Everyone's Out to get me


  • Reply 1 of 25
    It is? That shit makes me sick. I have to crack the Tylenol 3 (with codine) in half or I get sick.

    To each his own.
  • Reply 2 of 25
    idudeidude Posts: 352member
    I'm not sure. Just today, 18 kids at my school (7 and 8th grade) were caught with drugs. Two of the girls had it in their bra and a boy was founnd flushing them down a toilet.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    [quote]It must be exactly like smoking weed:

    I'm high

    I'm hungry

    and Everyone's Out to get me <hr></blockquote>

    I'm not exactly encouraging drug use or anything, but I would say that whatever you're feeling with cold medicine is probably equal to the shittiest weed high you'll ever have. If it isn't enjoyable, it's NOT like smoking weed.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    People bother with illegal drugs because the drugs make them feel good. Your drugs, apparently, do not.
  • Reply 5 of 25
    lets move on from how to stop them/us useing them to finding ways to inform them/us on how to use them if they want and there effects(my school did and i think them for it)

    and lets see how has used weed on these bords shell we(in new zealand its 1 in 4, thats 25% of the people in nz have used dac sometime in there life)

    have u used weed? yes, but have you?
  • Reply 6 of 25

    Well, Ill tell you this: If, when bringing the smoke into your mouth, it makes your tounge feel like its burning, DONT INHALE IT!

    Mind you when your stoned you do a lot of stupid things.

    ("Woha... my head... it turns so... smooth...")

    Other than that, its the same as anything. Why do you drink coffee, smoke tabbaco (never understood that one), eat sugar, watch TV (certain studys say that watching a flickering screen releases dopamine).
  • Reply 7 of 25
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    he he, a subject posted by someone who never has......
  • Reply 8 of 25
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member
    Only users lose drugs...

    Oh man, I gotta lay off the crack.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    Demerol had the best side-effects of any medication I have ever taken.

    Of course, according to the doctor - it was the only thing that could control the pain I was in, short of full anesthesia. So, yeah, I did need it.

    Despite the extemly plesent effects of Demerol, I have no interest in using illegal drugs, or abusing legal ones.

    But when you're in that much pain getting high is probably the best thing for you. Once you're being treated, and there is nothing you can do but wait for the pain to go away, I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed "some time off".
  • Reply 10 of 25
    [quote]If, when bringing the smoke into your mouth, it makes your tounge feel like its burning, DONT INHALE IT!<hr></blockquote>

    LOL, toolboi. Just remember, after a few tokes, you come to the conclusion that your tongue actually is on fire, don't worry, that's completely natural.

    [quote]("Woha... my head... it turns so... smooth...")<hr></blockquote>

    This wouldn't be nearly as funny if I hadn't actually said those exact words before. I decided that i could feel the wrinkles on my brain going away because of smoking pot. I swore it off forever, right then and there. Forever, of course, amounting to juuuust about ten minutes.

    Back on track though,

    People do drugs because, like Lucky said, they feel good. As I figure, that's a decision best left up to an individual. That said though, as my good friend Chef once said...

    "There is a time and place for everything, children, and that place is called college."

    [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 25
    people do the drugs for the same reasons others go to football games, watch TV, go skydiving. What's ridiculous is that the govt. thinks somehow it can stop this traffick. Waht we need are dope zones where you can use whatever you want, but you can't leave until you have been ascertained to be sober enough. That and home use coupled with jail time for use in unauthorized areas would make for a far more pleasant life experience. Imaine if you eliminated the income of dope peddlers, what would they do then? get a job or go to school.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    A is A.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gigawire:

    <strong>people do the drugs for the same reasons others go to football games, watch TV, go skydiving. What's ridiculous is that the govt. thinks somehow it can stop this traffick. Waht we need are dope zones where you can use whatever you want, but you can't leave until you have been ascertained to be sober enough. That and home use coupled with jail time for use in unauthorized areas would make for a far more pleasant life experience. Imaine if you eliminated the income of dope peddlers, what would they do then? get a job or go to school.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Oh, right. That would be a great idea. Let's sanction drug use! Because after you're sober...there are no effects after that!

    WTF ever.

    [ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 14 of 25
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    If you don't do drugs or choose not to great. I don't see how that should effect people that DO want to. As far as I know doing drugs only effects your body. It's not a crime against anyone but yourself. Arresting someone for doing drugs makes about as much sense as arresting someone for trying to commit suicide.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    [quote]Oh, right. That would be a great idea. Let's sanction drug use! Because after you're sober...there are no effects after that! <hr></blockquote>

    Fine. I smoked last night. What, pray tell, are the after-effects that I should be watching for?
  • Reply 16 of 25
    [quote]Originally posted by poor taylor:


    Fine. I smoked last night. What, pray tell, are the after-effects that I should be watching for?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, if you were unlucky enough to have smoke four bowls of weed laced with heroin (like I did the first time I smoked) there will be some pretty unpleasant side effects, let me tell you.

    And no, I didn't know there was heroin in it until quite a bit later. Damn did "new student week" suck as a result of that. (The smoking occured in the very early morning the day that I flew off to college.)
  • Reply 17 of 25
    What business is it of anyone else's if I alter my brain chemistry? It's my brain.

    All drugs should be legalized.

  • Reply 18 of 25
    [quote]Well, if you were unlucky enough to have smoke four bowls of weed laced with heroin (like I did the first time I smoked) there will be some pretty unpleasant side effects, let me tell you.<hr></blockquote>

    sheesh, yeah that's not good. fortunately these days i'm privy to a virtually limitless supply of homegrown weed. it burns fast, but no worries about where it came from.
  • Reply 19 of 25
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    call it my upbringing, but i can't justify using illegal drugs, based on the possible consequences. it just isn't worth it to me. plus, the concept of pills and injections gross me out, and i find pot to be the most heinous smelling substance this side of hot roofing tar.

    if others feel that they can deal with those consequences, fine, especially if it doesn't hurt anyone else. but don't expose me or others tou care about to it either; that's just irresponsible.

    and don't try to make me feel like a loser for never having done drugs (you'd be amazed, but peer-pressure for that kind of stuff seems to follow you, no matter HOW old you get). heck, i'm proud of my choice, but it's hard to take pride in it when even professional peers like to give you grief over never having gotten high. most everyone on these boards, regardless of their opinions, seem like really cool people, so i would like to think that everyone respects each others' choices.

    there's my two cents...
  • Reply 20 of 25
    bogiebogie Posts: 407member
    Oh no, keep me away from the big bad drugs, oh no, help me.

    Pathetic, I don't even use any but that post made me sick. Hell, you realize that if you ask your doctor he/she will explain that there is absolutely nothing good for you in coffee, and caffine does have negative and somewhat adictive properties, but you are going to tell me "keep the big bad pot monster away"? eh, bah, whatever, I doubt you live a clean enough life to really condemn most drugs.

    Maybe I am being too hard, I mean there is a clear reason why I don't do any, disinterest mostly, and I do think they are harmful, but comdemn em and bitch about em, nah, too much trouble just to make myself feel like I am better than others.
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