Snow Leopard, Disabled FW + Antivirus Question

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I was doing a clean install of Snow Leopard today when I noticed the firewall was disabled on default, like on leopard.

Normally I wouldn't care simply because turning it on only takes 2 steps, but it actually connected to my wireless internet during installation.

My question, since installation, for a period of around 10 to 15 minutes, it wasn't firewalled, but it was connected to the internet. (Although no programs were running.)

Does that pose any reasonable risk? I ask because usually with pcs (yep I usually use pcs), if you leave your comp on the internet without a firewall, within a few mins you're usually infected with minor to major bugs..

Second question, I used Norton 10.0 for a long time. Now I might need to upgrade to Norton 11 for Snow Leopard. How necessary are antiviral/antimalware software for Macs nowadays?

Would you happen to have any recommendations for either?



  • Reply 1 of 1
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    No. On a PC you probly would have been infected but there aren't many worms for Macs. I wouldn't sweat it

    Intego is supposed to be really good.
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