iPod Mini Problem

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello everyone, this is my first post. Anyways, my mother bought a used iPod mini from a yard sale for $5. Supposedly it was sold because the owner just bought a touch. She said she was the original owner and there was nothing wrong with it (of course).

The girl offered to give my mom the cables for it, but being in a hurry my mom told her she already has a cable for it. My mom only has usb iPhone cable with wall plug. She plugged it into the wall for about an hour, then I plugged it into her Mac and did an erase and sync. After that I got an update message and like an idiot, hit okay.

When it was finished the update (or so I thought) it said it had to be plugged into a wall adaptor, and displayed a graphic which looks like a Macbook charger. I plugged it back into the wall, and 8 hours later it still shows the adaptor graphic. I tried to reboot it and it goes from the Apple logo back to the adaptor graphic. After the initial charge and before the erase and sync it worked great.

Any ideas on what I can do??


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Anybody know??
  • Reply 2 of 2
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Well, you need the correct charger don't you? This should be a firewire-based one rather than a usb one.

    A couple of suggestions:

    1.) Go back to the people you bought it from and ask if they have the charger.

    2.) Go to an Apple store/Authorised Apple Service Centre and ask if they've got a firewire charger you can plug the iPod into.

    good luck.
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