huge mystery sale??
so i have a friend that works at apple (i know i should be asking him, i did, but i feel as though people here would have better insight), and i want to buy a new MacbookPro however, he tells me i should wait for this HUGE MYSTERY SALE that happens once a year (around oct/nov) and no one knows until the day it happens, but everything is mad cheap because Apple introduces a new product and sells to get rid of old stock. Have these happened before and do they happen yearly, if they do im better off waiting at least a month, but if it looks unlikely it will happen i might as well purchase now. I know the consensus is buy it if you want it, but im in no rush, and if i can get it for considerably less money i will. that's pretty much it.
So if I were you, and I wasn't in a hurry, I'd wait and get the good deals then.
Well this really isn't much of a mystery, but Apple traditionally has a sale on the day after Thanksgiving (here in the US lovingly known as Black Friday). You can usually save about $100 on a MacBook Pro, depending on the model and specs.
So if I were you, and I wasn't in a hurry, I'd wait and get the good deals then.
much thanks