iPad mockup. Thoughts?

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014


What do you guys think? I agonized over this for like 10 hours.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    Originally Posted by DeanShu View Post

    What do you guys think? I agonized over this for like 10 hours.

    Very nice indeed... wouldn't be too surprised if the final thing looks similar to this. The only problem I see is the iPhone OS 4.0 reference as the "iPad???" will be more likely based on the 10.6 rather than a mobile OS... let's hope so at least Otherwise...nice work!
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  • Reply 2 of 8
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by DeanShu View Post


    What do you guys think? I agonized over this for like 10 hours.

    Not bad for 10 hours work. Now work on it some more!

    LOL just kidding.

    EDIT: Dude, enter your design in the apple tablet design contest over at ilounge.com

    Do it now!
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  • Reply 3 of 8
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Nice design but people need to get away from the idea that this will just be a big iphone.

    I really don't see the need for a home button. Plus ichat should work in landscape mode. Ideally, this is when they would start using their screen-as-a-camera tech if it's ready.

    I've said this before but if the tablet doesn't run 10.6, I think it will fail. The fact they reduced the footprint of the OS, are moving towards resolution independence (think sideways vs vertical and pinch zoom), put accelerometer and Core location in the OS, adjusted major components like Quicktime to work for fingers, added a SurfaceIO driver to 10.6, are moving towards ubiquitous GPU computing to help low power CPUs perform better, all those things suggest the tablet has to run 10.6. Otherwise what's the point of making those changes?

    It could still run on ARM but it would be limited to Apple's apps at first. That limitation alone is too much IMO, especially at the rumored price point of $700-900.
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  • Reply 4 of 8
    I actually DID do it for the iLounge contest (:
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  • Reply 5 of 8
    isn't this just what they call the iPod in Minnesota?
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  • Reply 6 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    It's that time of the month again.
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  • Reply 7 of 8
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by DeanShu View Post


    What do you guys think? I agonized over this for like 10 hours.

    I like the look of the device but the text below isn't going to cut it for advertising.

    In any event you did hit upon the OS and I do believe any OS Apple is likely to use on this thing will come from iPhone and the Touch OS. What people don't understand is that for the most part the Touch OS is Mac OS with the API for user programs redone for Touch input. They will certainly add to the OS to make it more suitable for the larger screen but it will still be an OS targetted at ARM based devices.

    You see it is all about marketing and reducing consummer confusion. Apple wants a clear distinction between the ARM based devices and the Intel ones. In this case app store will be extended to support the device. When Apple goes to market it has to be absolutely clear what software the device will run.

    As to the user interface a few more cOmments. One thing that is obvious is that the same size icons on this device leads to cluttered screens. Apple will find a way to address this, part of the solution will likely be larger icons. Expect the dock to take on exactly the same role as it has in SL. It will be where your frequently launched apps will be. The dock also becomes the interface to the multitasking apps, as each app will be designed for full screen access for the most part. This works really well on iPhone with Apples blessed apps, extending this dock behavior to user apps should be easy. Add in exposé like behavior and you will solve most of the multitasking interface issues.

    As to coverflow I'm not convinced it is all that great for everything. I'd rather see a way to toggle it on and off when possible.

    Another thing is the sandboxing of apps. This of course has it's positives and one big negative, that is the sharing or swapping of files between apps. Apple needs to give programs access to a common directory where users can move files between programs and manage their locally stored files. This is one short coming of iPhone that I've yet to see addressed well.

    Overall not a bad mock up.

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  • Reply 8 of 8
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Nice design but people need to get away from the idea that this will just be a big iphone.

    I really don't see the need for a home button. Plus ichat should work in landscape mode. Ideally, this is when they would start using their screen-as-a-camera tech if it's ready.

    I've said this before but if the tablet doesn't run 10.6, I think it will fail. The fact they reduced the footprint of the OS, are moving towards resolution independence (think sideways vs vertical and pinch zoom), put accelerometer and Core location in the OS, adjusted major components like Quicktime to work for fingers, added a SurfaceIO driver to 10.6, are moving towards ubiquitous GPU computing to help low power CPUs perform better, all those things suggest the tablet has to run 10.6. Otherwise what's the point of making those changes?

    It could still run on ARM but it would be limited to Apple's apps at first. That limitation alone is too much IMO, especially at the rumored price point of $700-900.

    I know I know. I don't like the big iphone idea myself either. But it's still a cool mockup that is worthy of merit as it is. Hey, maybe he'll win the ilounge contest.
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