Time Capsule
I have a time capsule and every time Time Machine kicks off to do a back up my entire network comes to a crawl. This happens no matter how much data there is to back up, of course the more data the longer the crawl but once an hour is ridiculous for this. Has anyone else had this issue and if so were you able to resolve it and how?
Having said that, operations that use your network card heavily will always bring your computer to its knees. See "Broadcast storm" for a great way to DoS someone.
Get a firewire/USB drive, upgrade to 802.11n, kill the backup when it starts, use Snow Leopard, don't backup folders you don't need backed up.
Having said that, operations that use your network card heavily will always bring your computer to its knees. See "Broadcast storm" for a great way to DoS someone.
I am using N, 10.6, and know what a broadcast storm is. Its not the computer that is coming to its knees its the network. If there is only 1k to back up (and yes thats a little k) i have the same network saturation issue as if there is 10GB to back up. I just think the network shouldn't come to its knees for all computers attached to the time capsule while 1 MacBook over wireless is backing up.
Being in IT for over 10 years I've done a few network backups and didn't run into network issues like this on a switched network.