An apple fan boy opens up

in General Discussion edited January 2014
This is a long blog style opinon piece about apple stock price. I regret my poor communication skills including my poor writing / please bear with meI feel I have nailed home some fine points about why appleshare price is very cheap, if your into a long term buy mode.

Apple stock is cheap at $ 395 in a 12 yr hold .Of note when I say dell Imean many apple competitor.

Going forward apple is pre stocked with a $1/2 bn in short supply flash parts.

Apple when compared to HP or DELL or NOKIA etc. >>APPLE has one to four models for sale in each sub category >>whereas the others somehow scale up from a dozen to dozens of models. Because of this small footprint Apple benefits from economies of scale i.e. the same chip is found across the product line up. Apple just walk's in with a check in hand and orders a few dozen major parts for the yr,like the above mentioned flash parts well right now these flash components are hard to find in large and or steady supply .On the other hand Dell like companies scours the market place daily searching for dozens of odd parts that may or may not be new. That is why besides Walmart.Apple is a number one 3rd party dream company.

Dell and their ilk struggle with products that compete against each other yet they also look almost exactly the same as their closet competition. In effect they're selling into their own product line creating a nasty pricing war in this whole current race to the bottom in pricing. Google dell and walk thru the buying process. To me at least, its mind boggling to need to add on an OS or Virus/Cold SWf AFTER the quoted price. And DELL spends countless millions supporting this house of cards. DELL does make some fine $ high- end machines. And windows 7 is an excellent OS .

wait Windows 7 works better on a mac.So apple still out shines by absorbing second best OS and allowing the world to run both seamlessly.

Apple over the years has learned from countless missteps to become razor sharp in making exactly and as simple as possible what people want up to the point of full profit in return > % 34 markup. Apple has chosen for you. And snow leopard allows them this extreme arrogance. Apple may never ever offer blu ray or matte screens {{ I feel the mattee screen deal isa SW solution anyway ]] Apple is after very high profit on small steady ramped up sales. Scaling up sales to breakneck amounts comes only when apple has full back up inventory in the pipeline. Apple over charges on many many products until its feet get soaked twice at least. Running out of stock for too long will hill a stock for a long time.

Apple has at least 2 fantastic legacy products are so exceptional that after 3 or more yrs. there still on sale. The CLASSIC models in the MB white laptop and 160 g ipod ARE still selling briskly week after week, year in and year out. In the current throwaway net book type race to the bottom mindset market place this is a wonderful and rare. I am in awe of this new White unibody MB that has just come out. FOR $999. YOU get more power,more speed . This WMB is more computing power than almost every one will ever need at the higher configurations. Apples lowest offering is that powerful except for heavy gamers or photoshop Crazies is will be a solid computer for joe dude on a budjet ,It

Apple has in 14 months turned their whole lineup 80 percent green.No company in the world comes close., except for Walmart or some tiny finnish tooth pick company.

APPLE also wholly owns the best data to data intensive work SW in FiLEMAKER PRO. I have used FMP for 18 yrs it is simply great .

Apple has 3 yr. old model's of the iphone/touch that still have not been matched by the other guys.

Day by day the iphone is making WORLD WIDE inroads in the cell/phone market. A single product or a dozen product's? Well the app store makes the iphone a possible amazing fun device. And the ipod touch also has app store privileges. The most sought after real estate in the world is the APP STORE and only 2 devices of thousands can enter. Apple owns both devices.


Apple has snow leopard. simply the finest leanest OSto date. Whereas windows 7 after 9 long yrs. finally is stable and workable. SADLY WIN 7 is still living with one foot in 1995. MS like DELLand NOKIA need to scrape their whole product line up and start fresh if they ever want to walk with apple. S L is the OS of choice across apple's product line making a seamless world for apple consumers. Apple products simply work and they also work together. No other companies can boost of this .

Are you a apple laptop client who buys a nano phone or a iphone convert buying a MBP. 4 yrs ago we all talked halo this and halo that, well today the halos are all intermingled. You have no choice but to succummb to Applers wiles with there itunes store or there app store.

SNOWY is the extremely simplified base OS , Poised for the exciting new openCL And GCT type future SW apple is making .

The expensive MBP and MBA and the new IMAC are the finest computer's ever made . THIER RECORD 1/4 in sales in a world wide downturn equal to the 1930 's is mind boggling. People bought up beyond their means to own a fantastic device that will last at least 5 yrs. And in years 4 and 5 it goes from high priced to very cheap .

Apple still needs your $ money so after 2 yrs. of owning a mac you then of course need more apple stuff . .

you can buy at this point An ipod-touch nano-phone > iphone tablet etc etc. So in effect making long lasting computers does not hurt the bottom line because of other fantastic device's for sale. Take a walk in any major city worldwide and a very simple elegant APPLE store awaits you. And your wallet WALK in and point at a white MB .Hand your credit card to a floor sales person and walk out with an emailed receipt, ON a rainy busy crowed sunday you can be in and out in minutes . Or you can linger for hours playing around. No other store does this. FRANTIC new yorkers needin an apple fix love this 2 minute shopping with apple handhelds.

you can BUY the finest music/movie player 's ever made in the slim

ipod classic 160 g

ipod nano

ipod shuffle

ipod i-touch

ipod iphone

or the finest uni-body green computers ever made

Classic MB




ADD the ton of 3rd party stuff from speakers to cables to SW .

Apple store profits per sq. foot are un-matched industry wide ,Tired then visit the 3rd or fourth most hit site the online apple world web site.

 APPLE CO in the PAST did so well that its stock price has gone from pre-split price of $13 a share to over $175 average price today while amassing over 29 bn in cash with ZERO debt.

 APPLE today has as I have mentioned above the has the finest products made in the world for sale at high margin. Produced in the greenest /leanest way with almost no backlog in inventory YOU can buy these products in apples wholly owned brick and mortar and or online store. Or dozens of best buy att type outlet including target/walmart chains .

APPLE'S future see's all of todays good sales ongoing and ever increasing while adding tens of million in R AND D to bring us more incredible product lines of stuff we don't even know that we need . YET

TOP SECRET server farms are being built world wide part 2 with explore that .




  • Reply 1 of 11
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Tumblr blogs are free and quite easy to setup

    Even I could do it.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member

    go ireland
  • Reply 3 of 11
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I can't read past the random apostrophe in the thread title. Random apostrophes are the scourge of our times. Give yourself to Jesus, and repent of your ways.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    Man, that was a mess of bad grammar, punctuation and composition.

    If you're over 12, you need to pay quite a bit more attention in school.

    And no, "It's the internet, so it doesn't matter," is no excuse for any post longer than one line.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Man, that was a mess of bad grammar, punctuation and composition.

    That's not fair! You've got to at least give him full marks for bad taste!


    If you're over 12, you need to pay quite a bit more attention in school.



    And no, "It's the internet, so it doesn't matter," is no excuse for any post longer than one line.

  • Reply 6 of 11
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    You're awesome, bruce.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Man, that was a mess of bad grammar, punctuation and composition.

    If you're over 112, you need to pay quite a bit more attention in school.

    And no, "It's the internet, so it doesn't matter," is no excuse for any post longer than one line.

    i reworked the whole post; I hope its more readable .


  • Reply 8 of 11
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    You're awesome, bruce.

    Thanks i was about too delete the whole damn thing .

    peace 9
  • Reply 9 of 11
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    What if i may ask dude is your intent aside from insulting the handicapped ??

    The 'dude' stated the obvious. Facts. If facts are insulting to you I comiserate. But that's not going to change them. So deal with it and relax your gluteus maximus.

    Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen!
  • Reply 10 of 11
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    To the above ray of sunshine crew please re-read I fixed it up a bit .

    peace 9
  • Reply 11 of 11
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Rokcet Scientist View Post

    The 'dude' stated the obvious. Facts. If facts are insulting to you I comiserate. But that's not going to change them. So deal with it and relax your gluteus maximus.

    Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen!

    I was upset for a minute and then I cooled down and deleted my post. I also re-viewed and tried to fix my post as best as i can . Please take a read and let me know about the content part .

    If you will .

    peace 9
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