iMac 27"

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi all, I have an iMac 27" and I have to say that it is a shame that a so beautiful machine must have a so noisy HD; I know that my english writing is not so good, but I hope that my message shall be understood.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Originally Posted by anfat View Post

    Hi all, I have an iMac 27" and I have to say that it is a shame that a so beautiful machine must have a so noisy HD; I know that my english writing is not so good, but I hope that my message shall be understood.

    Maybe your HD is not properly secured. Apple doesn't usually overlook these sorts of things. Check out another iMac, and see if your HD might need to be tightened down.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    There are other posting in Apple support with this same claim. Hope it's not a big problem. Take care!
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