Verizon said "Just wait, we'll have great news ?

in iPhone edited January 2014
the first of the year about WHEN we'll be selling the iPhone"

Now I can only say, this comes from someone who CLAIMS his store sells enough phones / service contracts that he was brought in on a meeting at corporate headquarters on this subject ;

I'm just saying ?



  • Reply 1 of 2
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    They are getting a phone that doesn't???

    Working in a phone store myself I know that at that level managers are privy to nothing until after an official announcement is made, in the extremely unlikely situation that this person was given information like this then he would have had to sign a non-disclosure agreement with Apple in order to become an Apple reseller (a requirement of selling iPhones) and now he is jeopardizing his job because he is breaking it.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,429moderator
    In other countries, the iphone has recently moved to non-exclusive carriers. I fully expect the same to be the case in the US. Verizon would be backpedalling from their advertising but Apple once set fire to the Intel guy in an ad. Consumers don't really care about the integrity of advertising, I know I only care if they are funny and assess the products rationally. I preferred Verizon's ads to AT&T's response to them.

    Verizon has shown they have a better 3G network and iphone users consume the most data on a mobile so it makes sense for consumers to have the option of them to be together. AT&T has started marketing other phones like the Pre too.
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