Tethering - When?

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Unless I missed an announcement, didn't AT&T state a long time ago that tethering would be available yet this year?

If so, I'm looking at my calendar and there isn't much time left to get it going.

Is it coming soon?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    It won't be available until they figure out a way they can charge more for it, and somehow ensure that ANYone tethering on their network will be charged for it.

    I guess I'm feeling cynical today.
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  • Reply 2 of 4
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by iMick View Post

    Unless I missed an announcement, didn't AT&T state a long time ago that tethering would be available yet this year?

    If so, I'm looking at my calendar and there isn't much time left to get it going.

    Is it coming soon?

    Try this:http://www.benm.at/help/help.php (on your iPhone)

    MobileConfigs > USA > ATT

    I'm in the UK and O2 say you can't tether on a Pay As You Go iPhone no matter what you pay (those on a contract get to pay £15) but it works with this config. I really don't kick the arse out of it though I've only used it twice for short periods as I don't want to draw attention to the work-around and risk losing the facility in future.
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  • Reply 3 of 4
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by iMick View Post

    Unless I missed an announcement, didn't AT&T state a long time ago that tethering would be available yet this year?

    If so, I'm looking at my calendar and there isn't much time left to get it going.

    Is it coming soon?

    Actually, back in August, one AT&T exec responded to an email re: tethering, and said something to the effect of: "who ever said tethering would be available by EOY?"

    They've known since 2008 that tethering wouldn't happen in 2009. Of course, they should know this, because they're the ones offering or not offering it. IMO, we won't see tethering from AT&T for the iPhone until EOY 2010 earliest. Absolute earliest. Their intention to activate 7.2 HSPDA+ is their only hope to survive the next 2 years worth of new activations.
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  • Reply 4 of 4
    I have tethering on my iphone now. Just jailbreak/unlock and tethering will be there. Always was there until you download the new updates. As far as ATT finding out if your tethering, not possible as long as your not streaming movies etc... Keeping your use to what you do currently on your iphone and there is NO way to know. Source at ATT tells me their working on upgrading their network to block unauthorized tethering, already in place overseas; that's why tethering is available there. I personally don't think they should charge for this, it should be part of the data plan.

    This has been why tethering isn't available as of yet. They claim that it is because of the extra bandwidth on their network - bs. I personally believe their waiting for the 4G (name will change) iphone to come out in June for tethering to take effect. Rumor has it that unlock/jailbreak will be almost impossible to do on this new phone.

    Also, you won't see Verizon offering the new iphone anytime soon. If my source at ATT is telling me the truth, Apple will extend their contract through 2012. Let's see how accurate she is.
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