Fraudulent Charges - no help from ITUNES

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
In September of 2009 I received bills from ITunes for purchases I did not make (several hundred dollars worth) which immediately followed my purchase of an IPOD from Walmart. After contacting them I was told to contact my credit card company. In addition the ITUNES online support person (which I can no longer find online) told me to delete my credit card information from ITunes. I followed through with both. I have not made any purchases with ITunes since then. I was also told to go to the following link to remove my information.

Of course, that link was not working. I checked the link again todayand it is still not working.

This evening I find another charge (copied below). As I thought I had deleted my account information this past September I could not understand how another charge could be made again. Sure enough, I went to my account and my credit card information was still there! I tried to delete it again thinking I will sign back on to double check. Much to my surprise I saw that my information was still there. I tried again a third time with the same result.

My communication with them have been unsatisfactory. I have filed a complaint with a consumer agency and stopped purchases my credit card.

I would like to contact someone in corporate who would be more responsive to this issue outside of the support listed in the Apple site. I am so disappointed with their service. Any suggestions are appreciated.
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