Verizon getting an the iPhone - what to do?

in iPhone edited January 2014
I just signed a two year contract with AT&T ten days ago and got an iPhone 3GS. Brand new AT&T account. If Apple is indeed jumping ship and going to Verizon can I get out of my AT&T contract still and get an iPhone on Verizon?

I also put down a $150 deposit with AT&T, would I be able to get that back from AT&T?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    you're pretty much out of luck unless you have a service complaint that serves as a good excuse.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by anonymous guy View Post

    you're pretty much out of luck unless you have a service complaint that serves as a good excuse.

    I was at an AT&T store a few weeks ago and they mentioned something about a 30-day money-back guarantee and that you didn't need any reason. That was a huge comfort to me since I have a good signal with Verizon and I don't know if AT&T would be ok. (Most people I know have VZ.) Anyway I started seeing this rumor, too. So I decided to hold out just a tad longer. If VZ gets iPhone I'll stay VZ. I have to say though, the AT&T rollover minutes are nice. But....I'd assume I'd get a nice break since I am the 4th line in a family plan on VZW. Then again...I get a 20% discount on AT&T through a connection to an employee discount...Decisions decisions. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by ApplePi View Post

    I just signed a two year contract with AT&T ten days ago and got an iPhone 3GS. Brand new AT&T account. If Apple is indeed jumping ship and going to Verizon can I get out of my AT&T contract still and get an iPhone on Verizon?

    I also put down a $150 deposit with AT&T, would I be able to get that back from AT&T?

    Nobody ever said that AT&T will not continue to sell new iphones in the future. AT&T is only losing their exclusivity to sell the iphone.
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