Here you go tons of "Tabloid" details

in iPad edited January 2014

Jason Calacanis is spilling the beans


... also, Farmville for Apple tablet is a huge game changer. I know for a FACT Mark Pincus is onstage tomorrow with Jobs.

apple tablet connects to other tablets over wifi for gaming. There will be LAN parties with these things, people playingFirst personshooters

Apple tablet games are sick. Basically nintendo wii-level innovation. Custom farmville app is insane. Mark pincus is demoing with steve tmmr

Ok, I'm going to bed (with apple tablet after reading nytimes+Vanity Fair on it!), steve jobs outdid himself, its greatest device ever!!!

Apple tablet's 2 cameras is sick feature for video conferencing: u shoot what's in front of you + yourself. Augmented video conferncing!

Yes, apple tablet is oled + back has solar pad for recharging, but it really doesn't work quickly. More a gimmic. Verizon+att,wifi yes!

Apple Tablet has thumbpads on each side for mouse guestures, reads fingerprint for security. Up to 5 profiles by finerprint for family.

Yes, there are 2cameras: one in front and one in back (or it may be one with some double lens) so you record yourself and in front of u.

The price will be 599, 699 and 799 depending on size and memory in apple tablet. Also, wireless keyboard + monitor connection for tv

The best part ofthe apple tablet as beta user has been the built in HDTV tuner and pvr, and the chess game.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Whoa. Calacanis is a fairly heavy hitter to be just dicking around, there's a chance that this stuff is true.

    It all sounds pretty great except for the "two to three hours of battery life when gaming and using Wi-Fi", which is a bit grim.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Originally Posted by BitBurner View Post

    The best part ofthe apple tablet as beta user has been the built in HDTV tuner and pvr, and the chess game.

    It all sounded pretty good till that. I call bogus. He is just trying to get his reader level up.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Whoa. Calacanis is a fairly heavy hitter to be just dicking around, there's a chance that this stuff is true.

    It all sounds pretty great except for the "two to three hours of battery life when gaming and using Wi-Fi", which is a bit grim.

    lol Wow almost same post (wording, grammar, etc) only different prediction!
  • Reply 4 of 5
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Feynman View Post

    lol Wow almost same post (wording, grammar, etc) only different prediction!

    Yeah, looking at it again, the stuff about how the implementation of "Farmville" is a game changer sounds like a joke. I think tomorrow he'll say he just wanted to wind up the fan boys, and anyone with any sense could have seen that he was screwing around.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yeah, looking at it again, the stuff about how the implementation of "Farmville" is a game changer sounds like a joke. I think tomorrow he'll say he just wanted to wind up the fan boys, and anyone with any sense could have seen that he was screwing around.

    Doubly agreed. The thing I am teaching myself about working on projects is to put myself in the customers eyes. If I were them, how would they react, think, when seeing the result of the product? Making statements, you must make them vibrant, colorful, and mind-blowing to the imagination. After all, isn't that marketing?
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