Official complaints thread.

in iPad edited January 2014
Well, today is the day folks. As with any other Apple product launch, a lot of fan boy grumbling will ensue. So I figured we could make one official thread for all of the features the tablet is missing, all the aspects that Apple screwed up on, and any other random complaints about the "Jesus tablet"

Before we begin our complain-o-thon, I would like to begin by saying the tablet will be a hampered, useless device, with no real purpose other than to make Apple lots of money. It will have a slow, outdated processor, terrible battery life, no ports what so ever, and will attract fingerprints like a mofo. It will cost 2 arms, a leg and your first born son, require a 5 year contract with Verizon at 70 bucks a month for just 3G internet access. It will not have any of the features that were rumored about. It won't be a touch screen (You have to plug in a mouse) and it won't have any memory on board. (SD card slot though... its expandable!)

...And they're going to sell a billion of them.

What complaints do you have?


  • Reply 1 of 37
    It does nothing to toast my eggo
  • Reply 2 of 37
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    [CENTER]>reserved for Nokia's lawyers<[/CENTER]
  • Reply 3 of 37
    Crap. I didn't think to look in the current hardware section, and there is already a "bitter disappointment" thread in there. Oh well. Mods, close this one I guess?
  • Reply 4 of 37
    iPad = evolutionary... NOT revolutionary.

    It has potential.. but too bad we will have to wait 5 to 10 years to see it realized.
  • Reply 5 of 37
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    iPad = evolutionary... NOT revolutionary.

    It has potential.. but too bad we will have to wait 5 to 10 years to see it realized.

    I hate to say I told you so.



  • Reply 6 of 37
    I just don't understand why this device can't be used as a peripheral for your primary computer? It just seems like a massive massive waste...
  • Reply 7 of 37
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I just don't understand why this device can't be used as a peripheral for your primary computer? It just seems like a massive massive waste...

    I have absolutely no idea why (or how) you would want to use a tablet computer as a peripheral.

    But if you are doing creative stuff. I really recommend one of these.

  • Reply 8 of 37
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I hate to say I told you so.




    One thing you have to consider though that really let's me off the hook is the fact that it only costs 500 dollars... I was under the impression it was $1000.

    This is why I assumed it must have a lot more capabilities than it does.. and the 1000 price rumor was all over the place (by design I am sure).
  • Reply 9 of 37
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I have absolutely no idea why (or how) you would want to use a tablet computer as a peripheral.

    But if you are doing creative stuff. I really recommend one of these.


    Why WOULDN'T you want to use it as a peripheral? Why use that thing when you could use the multitouch input device demoed on that TED video?

    That use is far more valuable than a media device...

    It's almost as if Apple has given up on using computers for anything OTHER than media..

    I mean on one hand they are talking about how useful and intuitive this touch interface is then they only use it for a couple apps.. it makes no sense..

    Having to have the table...t a primary PC.... a laptop... an iphone... an ipod AND a Wacom.. AND a iPad... is just ABSURD. It's beyond absurd.. it's RETARDED.
  • Reply 10 of 37
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    That use is far more valuable than a media device...

    It's almost as if Apple has given up on using computers for anything OTHER than media...

    That's because apps and itunes generate revenue. Apple have sold out.
  • Reply 11 of 37
    Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post

    That's because apps and itunes generate revenue. Apple have sold out.

    I think you are right. They are milking th cash cow as much as possible. It's a shame.. that is the kind of behavior that can backfire big time. Apple is becoming a big time status symbol rather than a productivity tool. Its so sad too.. because they have something of real value with their multitouch tech.. and they acquired that from Fingerworks.. and they still can't do anything really revolutionary with it. I don't get it.
  • Reply 12 of 37
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post

    That's because apps and itunes generate revenue. Apple have sold out.

    On the contrary they've simply bought in to what consumers have been asking for.

    Look at any thread about what people want in the next xxxxx hardware upgrade and you'll get the obligatory "WTF Apple no Blu-ray?" Now I don't exactly know how Blu-ray enhances one's ability to produce documents or manage them effectively so I'm going to presume that Blu-ray fans really just want to pop in a movie and forgo the trek to the HDTV in the living room.

    We can no longer assume that a computer or even a mobile device is purchased espressly with the intentions of doing "work"... "fun" is probably larger market on said devices.
  • Reply 13 of 37
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I think you are right. They are milking th cash cow as much as possible. It's a shame.. that is the kind of behavior that can backfire big time. Apple is becoming a big time status symbol rather than a productivity tool. Its so sad too.. because they have something of real value with their multitouch tech.. and they acquired that from Fingerworks.. and they still can't do anything really revolutionary with it. I don't get it.

    True Revolution is rare and few are the companies that can effectively manage and control a true revolution.

    Revolutions , almost by definition, depose the incumbent leader and create opportunites for the smaller or less fortuned.

    The iPad is simply another window of your digital life/persona but in this case the window is 2x as large.
  • Reply 14 of 37
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    True Revolution is rare and few are the companies that can effectively manage and control a true revolution.

    Revolutions , almost by definition, depose the incumbent leader and create opportunites for the smaller or less fortuned.

    The iPad is simply another window of your digital life/persona but in this case the window is 2x as large.

    The sad thing is though that they could do it so easy.. I am still holding out hope that there is something still up their sleeve.. OR that people can mod this thing so much that it can be used for the purposes I can envision.

    I almost wonder if Jobs REAL tablet is still in their labs and this is just another teaser like the iPhone was.
  • Reply 15 of 37
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    On the contrary they've simply bought in to what consumers have been asking for.

    Look at any thread about what people want in the next xxxxx hardware upgrade and you'll get the obligatory "WTF Apple no Blu-ray?" Now I don't exactly know how Blu-ray enhances one's ability to produce documents or manage them effectively so I'm going to presume that Blu-ray fans really just want to pop in a movie and forgo the trek to the HDTV in the living room.

    We can no longer assume that a computer or even a mobile device is purchased espressly with the intentions of doing "work"... "fun" is probably larger market on said devices.

    Well we can't argue against fun. I know there are probably more than a few graphics professionals out there disappointed this won't also be some all singing and dancing photoshop tablet that could make their lives easier. But then that particular market is small, and I guess serious professionals just use a graphics tablet and their power mac.

    Anyway, don't any of you think Apple is ever so slightly taking the p*ss with what they've done here? They've effectively taken their iphone business model, complete with app store and network contracts, and DUPLICATED it! All it took was making a slightly bigger clone of the iphone, doubling up all the apps (while developing costlier ipad apps) and justifying the whole thing by claiming it's a brilliant ebook reader/media player/netbook (ignoring the fact that people prefer to read a non-backlit screen too). Bah!
  • Reply 16 of 37
    Next stop....MAcbook App store, iMac app store...movies, music, apps. That's what Apple will be all about, a glorified Blockbuster video.
  • Reply 17 of 37
    Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post

    Well we can't argue against fun. I know there are probably more than a few graphics professionals out there disappointed this won't also be some all singing and dancing photoshop tablet that could make their lives easier. But then that particular market is small, and I guess serious professionals just use a graphics tablet and their power mac.

    Anyway, don't any of you think Apple is ever so slightly taking the p*ss with what they've done here? They've effectively taken their iphone business model, complete with app store and network contracts, and DUPLICATED it! All it took was making a slightly bigger clone of the iphone, doubling up all the apps (while developing costlier ipad apps) and justifying the whole thing by claiming it's a brilliant ebook reader/media player/netbook (ignoring the fact that people prefer to read a non-backlit screen too). Bah!

    The real piss taking was when they sold people a 400 dollar iPhone based on the cool factor of the touch tech knowing full well people would prefer a larger tablet like this and would buy that on top of their overpriced luxury item of an iPhone.

    If I bought an iPhone and a laptop I would be irate seeing this iPad. Luckily I was no sucker. I'm not being a sucker and buying this either.. I know there is something much better than this possible.. even if I have to make it myself!
  • Reply 18 of 37
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    I think this is kind of hilarious.

    People are wailing...

    "Why didn't Apple make this product for me?

    Why did they let us down so?

    Didn't they know I wanted a XXXXX that did YYYYY?


    It's kind of bizarre.

    It places Apple in the role of Santa Claus and the disgruntled complainer in the role of some whiney kid that didn't get a bike in the right color.

    People seem to be using Apple as some idealized source of supernatural technology that will validate them.

    Apple is a commercial entity that makes products for a market.

    Half of those products are for professional content creators. They are pretty good.

    The other half are essentially media devices for the much larger consumer electronics market.

    The pocketable nature of Apple's line of media players make them super portable, but lousy for a certain class of application. The screen is just too small. This device addresses that shortfall.

    If this isn't a device you'd want to buy for yourself or a member of your family, it really is not the end of the world. No one promised anything better.

    If on the other hand, you need a portable device for reading, watching movies, web browsing etc. then take a look at a good netbook, then take a look at the iPad, and decide which you'd rather have.

  • Reply 19 of 37
    I am not even upset that Apple didn't give me what I wanted.. I am upset because they have everything I want right in that package but for some reason didn't use it... WHY?

    I guess I should be upset with the suckers that don't see the value this tech could have if only Apple used it..

    It reminds me of one time when people found components within an iPod, I believe it was, that were not being utilized and were there I guess for some later purpose. That is what it is like with this device.. all the pieces are there.. you are going to pay for them.. yet you can't use them to their full effect.

    I think they just know they can milk more money out of people and don't even need to use those features right now. So again... if people like this didn't buy the iPhone and iPods, and now this, we would likely have useful devices being made rather than this stuff..
  • Reply 20 of 37
    I think singing it's praises and calling it a success is exactly the same as saying it's a complete failure. Listing it's possible uses is a valid exercise.

    Just saw some greaseball douche on the news saying it's already a massive success and will appeal to everyone. That coupled with the predictions of 10million+ sales this year and I for one will be interested in seeing if this thing blows up in everyones faces.
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