'iPad' is a joke...

in iPad edited January 2014
straight up am a apple fan since I bought my first macbook pro back in 2004. i have ever since only owned apple products when it comes to my ipod and computing.

i am EXTREMELY disappointed that todays event was held only for a stupid tablet computer that is the same damn thing as other tablets. and to make matters worse...thats all that was announced!!

we were all waiting for this stupid itablet ipad crap and it never for a second met expectations, I mean who is REALLY gonna go out and buy this?


i need a new laptop for real computing, not this crap...



  • Reply 1 of 50
    The Macbook Pro was first released in 2006.
  • Reply 2 of 50
    At first, I thought, big deal. another tablet.

    But then as I watched the video, it seems Apple is the only one who can actually nail it down just right.

    the price is right and it WILL fly off the shelves. Everyone who bought a Kidle or Nook is kicking themselves right now - especially those who bought that nasty Sony ereader.

    The iBook capability alone is tremendous. I guess we are seeing the typical Apple pattern here and we have gotten used to it. high end hardware with the best sofware in the world running on it.

    What other people need a device to accomplish, apple simply makes it a program and puts it into a superior device that does not only that, but everything else too. and it does it better.

    I KNOW already three people getting this.

    Very nice.

    so THAT is why Apple bought PA Semi...
  • Reply 3 of 50
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    To each his own.

    The Macbook [Pro] isn't going anywhere but I'm glad to see another device hit the market. I've often wanted the equivalent of a larger iPod Touch and that's what this is.

    I still look at this as a companion to a Mac or a PC though for some people it could supplant the need for a desktop or a laptop.
  • Reply 4 of 50
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    There is lots of stuff wrong with the iPad (no word on multitasking and Flash, no camera, anemic port compliment) but there is a lot of things RIGHT with it. Look at the video. I cannot wait to try it out.
  • Reply 5 of 50
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    There is lots of stuff wrong with the iPad (no word on multitasking and Flash, no camera, anemic port compliment) but there is a lot of things RIGHT with it. Look at the video. I cannot wait to try it out.

    Apple's smart not to put a camera on the iPad. I mean how dorky would you look holding up a device with a 10" screen to take a photo?

    I do think that SDK 4.0 and the iPad SDK will allow for multitasking from 3rd parties eventually. With 10 hour battery life there's room to burn some energy for more productivity.
  • Reply 6 of 50
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    straight up am a apple fan since I bought my first macbook pro back in 2004. i have ever since only owned apple products when it comes to my ipod and computing.

    i am EXTREMELY disappointed that todays event was held only for a stupid tablet computer that is the same damn thing as other tablets. and to make matters worse...thats all that was announced!!

    we were all waiting for this stupid itablet ipad crap and it never for a second met expectations, I mean who is REALLY gonna go out and buy this?


    i need a new laptop for real computing, not this crap...


    you, sir, are a moron.
  • Reply 7 of 50
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    You are wrong!

    The iPad is awesome!

    90 days to go!

    Can I pre-order?
  • Reply 8 of 50
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Apple's smart not to put a camera on the iPad. I mean how dorky would you look holding up a device with a 10" screen to take a photo?

    I do think that SDK 4.0 and the iPad SDK will allow for multitasking from 3rd parties eventually. With 10 hour battery life there's room to burn some energy for more productivity.

    WRT the camera, I was thinking more of a front facing camera to do iChat with.
  • Reply 9 of 50
    I can see people complaining about keeping the screen clean already, and rightly so. Also, watching video for longer than 10mins is a pleasure on my macbook as I don't have to hold the damn thing, but I fear with the ipad you'll get tired of having to prop it up. Certainly won't be something people take to bed to watch movies, unless you connect it to some ridiculous looking stand. Apart from those two initial grumbles, as well as no camera for ichat, it will be interesting to see how successful it really is.

    One last point, don't any of think Apple is taking the p*ss with what they've done here? They've effectively taken their iphone business model, complete with app store and network contracts, and DUPLICATED it! All it took was making a slightly bigger clone of the iphone, doubling up all the apps (while developing costlier ipad apps) and justifying the whole thing by claiming it's a brilliant ebook reader/media player/netbook (ignoring the fact that people prefer to read a non-backlit screen too). Bah!
  • Reply 10 of 50
    I can't see how I can run a business with the iPad. It seems more like a leisurely device. It seems more "netbook-ish" then a competitor to a Tablet/Slate PC running Windows 7.

    I was hoping the iPad would be a keyboard-less Macbook of sorts, but instead it seems to be an over-sized iPhone/iPod that can be run on specialty apps/widgets.
  • Reply 11 of 50
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    It is odd that with so much publicity, Apple didn't actually use it to sell any products. There was not a single thing new available to buy. At the end, they should have announced updated Core i5 Macbook Pros so that people could at least say ok I've seen the iPad, don't need it or will have to wait for it but ooh new laptops, I might buy one of those today. Really big opportunity wasted.

    I kind of expected more than a 1GHz custom chip too. The Google Nexus One has a 1GHz chip. No real info on the GPU either but presumably no Tegra 2. 1024 x 768 video output suggests to me that it's not a hugely powerful graphics chip.

    I don't think it's a joke of a device but I don't see it as a compelling purchase. No 3rd party multi-tasking was a surprise too, given the Palm demo running 50 apps, I really thought they'd make some effort this time round.
  • Reply 12 of 50
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I agree. This iPad is retarded. FAIL. I'm so glad. AAPL will sink in a few weeks so I can scoop a bunch more up.
  • Reply 13 of 50
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    <snip> No 3rd party multi-tasking was a surprise too, given the Palm demo running 50 apps, I really thought they'd make some effort this time round.

    Define multi-tasking for me. Taking up Android for comparison here as it support multi-tasking. Are you looking at something similar to Android's onResume and onPause convention? The handheld can support only one application on the screen for user interaction. Android's activity stack has only one activity on the top of the stack which the user can interact with and the activity thread is the only one you can update the views on. If you have long running tasks, you can always spawn off threads.

    I assume the crib is that app's basically have to save state and die when the user switches to another on the iPhone?
  • Reply 14 of 50
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    You are wrong!

    The iPad is awesome!

    90 days to go!

    Can I pre-order?

    I'm waiting till June dev. conf. after they put in the camera & 4.0
  • Reply 15 of 50
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I don't know about being a joke, but I think they should have built in some kind of clever stand. Needing an ugly keyboard dock, or a case so the device actually rests on a table like a laptop does without with the need for an accessory are both inelegant and inconvenient solutions. I'm certain they could have added a very light, very thin minimal cleverly engineered stand as part of the hardware so you could watch a movie or type on a table if they put their minds to it.

    Wait until they release the next MacBook Pro, expectations for some kind of mad multi-touch craziness will be high!
  • Reply 16 of 50
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't know about being a joke, but I think they should have built in some kind of clever stand. Needing an ugly keyboard dock, or a case so the device actually rests on a table like a laptop does without with the need for an accessory are both inelegant and inconvenient solutions. I'm certain they could have added a very light, very thin minimal cleverly engineered stand as part of the hardware so you could watch a movie or type on a table if they put their minds to it.

    Wait until they release the next MacBook Pro, expectations for some kind of mad multi-touch craziness will be high!

    They did build a clever stand, just not to your specs. My guess is that the cover/stand accessory will be the default configuration for most users. It does exactly what you'd want it to: protects the screen and provides a couple of useful positions.

    EDIT: Hey, is that true, in your sig? You predicted that the ebook app would be called "iBook"? If so, well played.
  • Reply 17 of 50
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    Define multi-tasking for me.

    Listening to Pandora or Simplify Media while surfing the web. Running AIM and taking notes at the same time. Sharing the screen with Sling Player while browsing the web.
  • Reply 18 of 50
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    I Love how MacBook Pro customers are complaining about that iPad, as if they were supposed to be getting one instead of their next MacBook Pro.... frigging hilarious.

    As if you are ANY where near the market for this device. LOL
  • Reply 19 of 50
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Fast Fred 1 View Post

    I'm waiting till June dev. conf. after they put in the camera & 4.0

    And a camera on a 10" flat device will do what for you precisely?

    Logitech will make a camera and app for video chat, Not Apple.

    Going to take pictures? Get a real camera. Or just use the iPhone? Think people.
  • Reply 20 of 50
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    And a camera on a 10" flat device will do what for you precisely?

    Logitech will make a camera and app for video chat, Not Apple.

    Going to take pictures? Get a real camera. Or just use the iPhone? Think people.

    Damn right, I've done a complete U-turn on this thing. Think I needed a good night's sleep to be able to digest all the information.

    I will get one, and I'm sure multitasking et al isn't far away either. The next iphone should have a half decent camera, as well as the possibility of using an actual camera to take photos means the lack of camera doesn't bother me. The accessories such as keyboard and various stands make this thing feel and look very practical.
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